bader marked an inline comment as done.
bader added a comment.

In D80932#2074792 <>, @Anastasia wrote:

> I think my biggest problem is that I don't understand how you can just run 
> C++ libraries on OpenCL devices. If we were able to compile plain C++ for 
> OpenCL devices would we not just do it? But OpenCL devices have certain 
> constraints. Also aren't libraries typically customized for performance 
> depending on the range of HW they are being run on? I see the modifications 
> are inevitable.

The approach we use won't enable all C++ libraries, but it unblocks template 
metaprogramming patterns which conceptually are valid code. We can use STL 
parts of C++ standard library without re-writing them, which is a huge win for 
C++ developers.

We employ address space inference pass 
( to improve the 
performance of C++ libraries. Users can help the compiler analysis and optimize 
code by using SYCL `multi_ptr` template class specialized with particular 
memory region.

>>> We plan to support C++ libraries with C++ for OpenCL
>> With the direction taken so far, C++ for OpenCL can't properly implement or 
>> use basic C++ due to this.Small example using a `is_same` implementation 
>> (
>>   template<typename T1, typename T2>
>>   struct is_same {
>>       static constexpr int value = 0;
>>   };
>>   template<typename T>
>>   struct is_same<T, T> {
>>       static constexpr int value = 1;
>>   };
>>   void foo(int p) {
>>       static_assert(is_same<decltype(p), int>::value, "int is not an int?"); 
>> // Fails: p is '__private int' != 'int'
>>       static_assert(is_same<decltype(&p), int*>::value, "int* is not an 
>> int*?");  // Fails: p is '__private int*' != '__generic int*'
>>   }
>> So yes, you could implement `std::is_same` but it won't work as one would 
>> expect.
>> That's the reason why SYCL actively tries to prevent changing any type, this 
>> would prevent the compilation of valid C++ code without a fundamental reason 
>> (e.g. the target is not able to support it).
>> My point is only that the approach taken for C++ for OpenCL is not suitable 
>> for SYCL IMO
>>> Default address space is a Clang concept that is generally used for an 
>>> automatic storage.
>> That's not true in CUDA. On the other hand they actively avoids using 
>> address space.
> True and I don't think CUDA uses `isAddressSpaceSupersetOf` in their 
> implementation? Perhaps SYCL can use the same flow?
>> Plus in `isAddressSpaceSupersetOf` you have:
>>   // Consider pointer size address spaces to be equivalent to default.
>>   ((isPtrSizeAddressSpace(A) || A == LangAS::Default) &&
>>               (isPtrSizeAddressSpace(B) || B == LangAS::Default))
>> An alternative would be to clone the address space. But that would be shame 
>> to not find a way to reuse the opencl one as down the line, they map to the 
>> same thing.
> I agree that reusing functionality is preferable however it is subject to 
> whether it is sufficiently similar. If we end up adding a lot of code to 
> diverge special cases or even worse regress existing functionality by adding 
> new one then perhaps this is not a viable solution.
> The problem is that I understand very little of the design at this point to 
> suggest anything. All I know is that there are magic pointer classes in SYCL 
> spec that represent address spaces somehow but what I see in this review is a 
> change to OpenCL address space model that isn't governed by any spec or 
> explained in any documentation. Perhaps it is easy and transparent to you but 
> I see very little correlation. :(

@Anastasia, if we make this change specific to SYCL mode, will it address your 

If not, we will go with the alternative proposed by Victor.
I'd like to mention that just a few hours ago we accepted a PR extending 
address space attributes in SYCL mode to enable efficient code generation of 
the code using USM extension (Unified Shared Memory) on targets w/o hardware 
support for this feature. I think this might be relevant information to take a 

Comment at: clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h:493
+                                    other.getAddressSpace()) ||
+           (!hasAddressSpace() &&
+            (other.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::opencl_private ||
Naghasan wrote:
> Not sure how to make it better, but this may not be true depending on what is 
> allowed by the language.
You are right. For some reason I was sure that these address spaces are 
available only in SYCL and OpenCL modes. I update the patch to enable this 
conversion for SYCL mode only to avoid any impact on OpenCL mode.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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