baloghadamsoftware updated this revision to Diff 267879.
baloghadamsoftware added a comment.

Incorporated @NoQ's solution.



Index: clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/TestReturnValueUnderConstruction.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/TestReturnValueUnderConstruction.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+//===- unittests/StaticAnalyzer/TestReturnValueUnderConstruction.cpp ------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "CheckerRegistration.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Frontend/AnalysisConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Frontend/CheckerRegistry.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace ento {
+namespace {
+class TestReturnValueUnderConstructionChecker
+  : public Checker<check::PostCall> {
+  void checkPostCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const {
+    if (!Call.getOriginExpr())
+      return;
+    Optional<SVal> RetVal = Call.getReturnValueUnderConstruction(0);
+    assert(RetVal);
+    assert(RetVal->getAsRegion());
+  }
+void addTestReturnValueUnderConstructionChecker(
+    AnalysisASTConsumer &AnalysisConsumer, AnalyzerOptions &AnOpts) {
+  AnOpts.CheckersAndPackages =
+    {{"test.TestReturnValueUnderConstruction", true}};
+  AnalysisConsumer.AddCheckerRegistrationFn([](CheckerRegistry &Registry) {
+      Registry.addChecker<TestReturnValueUnderConstructionChecker>(
+          "test.TestReturnValueUnderConstruction", "", "");
+    });
+     ReturnValueUnderConstructionChecker) {
+  EXPECT_TRUE(runCheckerOnCode<addTestReturnValueUnderConstructionChecker>(
+                  "class C { public: C(int nn): n(nn) {} virtual ~C() {} "
+                  "          private: int n; };"
+                  "C returnC(int m) { C c(m); return c; }"
+                  "void foo() { C c = returnC(1); }"));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace ento
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
-  StoreTest.cpp
+  RangeSetTest.cpp
+  StoreTest.cpp 
-  RangeSetTest.cpp
+  TestReturnValueUnderConstruction.cpp
Index: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp
--- clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp
+++ clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp
@@ -109,15 +109,14 @@
   return LValue;
-std::pair<ProgramStateRef, SVal> ExprEngine::handleConstructionContext(
+SVal ExprEngine::computeObjectUnderConstruction(
     const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx,
     const ConstructionContext *CC, EvalCallOptions &CallOpts) {
   SValBuilder &SVB = getSValBuilder();
   MemRegionManager &MRMgr = SVB.getRegionManager();
   ASTContext &ACtx = SVB.getContext();
-  // See if we're constructing an existing region by looking at the
-  // current construction context.
+  // Compute the target region by exploring the construction context.
   if (CC) {
     switch (CC->getKind()) {
     case ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyVariableKind:
@@ -125,13 +124,9 @@
       const auto *DSCC = cast<VariableConstructionContext>(CC);
       const auto *DS = DSCC->getDeclStmt();
       const auto *Var = cast<VarDecl>(DS->getSingleDecl());
-      SVal LValue = State->getLValue(Var, LCtx);
       QualType Ty = Var->getType();
-      LValue =
-          makeZeroElementRegion(State, LValue, Ty, CallOpts.IsArrayCtorOrDtor);
-      State =
-          addObjectUnderConstruction(State, DSCC->getDeclStmt(), LCtx, LValue);
-      return std::make_pair(State, LValue);
+      return makeZeroElementRegion(State, State->getLValue(Var, LCtx), Ty,
+                                   CallOpts.IsArrayCtorOrDtor);
     case ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyConstructorInitializerKind:
     case ConstructionContext::SimpleConstructorInitializerKind: {
@@ -139,8 +134,7 @@
       const auto *Init = ICC->getCXXCtorInitializer();
       const CXXMethodDecl *CurCtor = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(LCtx->getDecl());
-      Loc ThisPtr =
-      SVB.getCXXThis(CurCtor, LCtx->getStackFrame());
+      Loc ThisPtr = SVB.getCXXThis(CurCtor, LCtx->getStackFrame());
       SVal ThisVal = State->getSVal(ThisPtr);
       const ValueDecl *Field;
@@ -154,10 +148,8 @@
       QualType Ty = Field->getType();
-      FieldVal = makeZeroElementRegion(State, FieldVal, Ty,
-                                       CallOpts.IsArrayCtorOrDtor);
-      State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, Init, LCtx, FieldVal);
-      return std::make_pair(State, FieldVal);
+      return makeZeroElementRegion(State, FieldVal, Ty,
+                                   CallOpts.IsArrayCtorOrDtor);
     case ConstructionContext::NewAllocatedObjectKind: {
       if (AMgr.getAnalyzerOptions().MayInlineCXXAllocator) {
@@ -170,11 +162,10 @@
             // TODO: In fact, we need to call the constructor for every
             // allocated element, not just the first one!
             CallOpts.IsArrayCtorOrDtor = true;
-            return std::make_pair(
-                State, loc::MemRegionVal(getStoreManager().GetElementZeroRegion(
-                           MR, NE->getType()->getPointeeType())));
+            return loc::MemRegionVal(getStoreManager().GetElementZeroRegion(
+                MR, NE->getType()->getPointeeType()));
-          return std::make_pair(State, V);
+          return  V;
         // TODO: Detect when the allocator returns a null pointer.
         // Constructor shall not be called in this case.
@@ -202,7 +193,7 @@
           CallerLCtx = CallerLCtx->getParent();
-        return handleConstructionContext(
+        return computeObjectUnderConstruction(
             cast<Expr>(SFC->getCallSite()), State, CallerLCtx,
             RTC->getConstructionContext(), CallOpts);
       } else {
@@ -223,64 +214,46 @@
         assert(RetE && "Void returns should not have a construction context");
         QualType ReturnTy = RetE->getType();
         QualType RegionTy = ACtx.getPointerType(ReturnTy);
-        SVal V = SVB.conjureSymbolVal(&TopLevelSymRegionTag, RetE, SFC,
-                                      RegionTy, currBldrCtx->blockCount());
-        return std::make_pair(State, V);
+        return SVB.conjureSymbolVal(&TopLevelSymRegionTag, RetE, SFC, RegionTy,
+                                    currBldrCtx->blockCount());
       llvm_unreachable("Unhandled return value construction context!");
     case ConstructionContext::ElidedTemporaryObjectKind: {
       const auto *TCC = cast<ElidedTemporaryObjectConstructionContext>(CC);
-      const CXXBindTemporaryExpr *BTE = TCC->getCXXBindTemporaryExpr();
-      const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *MTE = TCC->getMaterializedTemporaryExpr();
-      const CXXConstructExpr *CE = TCC->getConstructorAfterElision();
       // Support pre-C++17 copy elision. We'll have the elidable copy
       // constructor in the AST and in the CFG, but we'll skip it
       // and construct directly into the final object. This call
       // also sets the CallOpts flags for us.
-      SVal V;
       // If the elided copy/move constructor is not supported, there's still
       // benefit in trying to model the non-elided constructor.
       // Stash our state before trying to elide, as it'll get overwritten.
       ProgramStateRef PreElideState = State;
       EvalCallOptions PreElideCallOpts = CallOpts;
-      std::tie(State, V) = handleConstructionContext(
-          CE, State, LCtx, TCC->getConstructionContextAfterElision(), CallOpts);
+      SVal V = computeObjectUnderConstruction(
+          TCC->getConstructorAfterElision(), State, LCtx,
+          TCC->getConstructionContextAfterElision(), CallOpts);
       // FIXME: This definition of "copy elision has not failed" is unreliable.
       // It doesn't indicate that the constructor will actually be inlined
-      // later; it is still up to evalCall() to decide.
-      if (!CallOpts.IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion) {
-        // Remember that we've elided the constructor.
-        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, CE, LCtx, V);
-        // Remember that we've elided the destructor.
-        if (BTE)
-          State = elideDestructor(State, BTE, LCtx);
-        // Instead of materialization, shamelessly return
-        // the final object destination.
-        if (MTE)
-          State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, MTE, LCtx, V);
-        return std::make_pair(State, V);
-      } else {
-        // Copy elision failed. Revert the changes and proceed as if we have
-        // a simple temporary.
-        State = PreElideState;
-        CallOpts = PreElideCallOpts;
-      }
+      // later; this is still up to evalCall() to decide.
+      if (!CallOpts.IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion)
+        return V;
+      // Copy elision failed. Revert the changes and proceed as if we have
+      // a simple temporary.
+      CallOpts = PreElideCallOpts;
+      CallOpts.IsElidableCtorThatHasNotBeenElided = true;
     case ConstructionContext::SimpleTemporaryObjectKind: {
       const auto *TCC = cast<TemporaryObjectConstructionContext>(CC);
-      const CXXBindTemporaryExpr *BTE = TCC->getCXXBindTemporaryExpr();
       const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *MTE = TCC->getMaterializedTemporaryExpr();
-      SVal V = UnknownVal();
+      CallOpts.IsTemporaryCtorOrDtor = true;
       if (MTE) {
         if (const ValueDecl *VD = MTE->getExtendingDecl()) {
           assert(MTE->getStorageDuration() != SD_FullExpression);
@@ -296,20 +269,10 @@
         if (MTE->getStorageDuration() == SD_Static ||
             MTE->getStorageDuration() == SD_Thread)
-          V = loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXStaticTempObjectRegion(E));
+          return loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXStaticTempObjectRegion(E));
-      if (V.isUnknown())
-        V = loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXTempObjectRegion(E, LCtx));
-      if (BTE)
-        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, BTE, LCtx, V);
-      if (MTE)
-        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, MTE, LCtx, V);
-      CallOpts.IsTemporaryCtorOrDtor = true;
-      return std::make_pair(State, V);
+      return loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXTempObjectRegion(E, LCtx));
     case ConstructionContext::ArgumentKind: {
       // Arguments are technically temporaries.
@@ -318,10 +281,8 @@
       const auto *ACC = cast<ArgumentConstructionContext>(CC);
       const Expr *E = ACC->getCallLikeExpr();
       unsigned Idx = ACC->getIndex();
-      const CXXBindTemporaryExpr *BTE = ACC->getCXXBindTemporaryExpr();
       CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
-      SVal V = UnknownVal();
       auto getArgLoc = [&](CallEventRef<> Caller) -> Optional<SVal> {
         const LocationContext *FutureSFC =
@@ -352,44 +313,133 @@
       if (const auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E)) {
         CallEventRef<> Caller = CEMgr.getSimpleCall(CE, State, LCtx);
-        if (auto OptV = getArgLoc(Caller))
-          V = *OptV;
+        if (Optional<SVal> V = getArgLoc(Caller))
+          return *V;
-        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, {CE, Idx}, LCtx, V);
       } else if (const auto *CCE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(E)) {
         // Don't bother figuring out the target region for the future
         // constructor because we won't need it.
         CallEventRef<> Caller =
             CEMgr.getCXXConstructorCall(CCE, /*Target=*/nullptr, State, LCtx);
-        if (auto OptV = getArgLoc(Caller))
-          V = *OptV;
+        if (Optional<SVal> V = getArgLoc(Caller))
+          return *V;
-        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, {CCE, Idx}, LCtx, V);
       } else if (const auto *ME = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(E)) {
         CallEventRef<> Caller = CEMgr.getObjCMethodCall(ME, State, LCtx);
-        if (auto OptV = getArgLoc(Caller))
-          V = *OptV;
+        if (Optional<SVal> V = getArgLoc(Caller))
+          return *V;
-        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, {ME, Idx}, LCtx, V);
+    }
+    } // switch (CC->getKind())
+  }
+  // If we couldn't find an existing region to construct into, assume we're
+  // constructing a temporary. Notify the caller of our failure.
+  CallOpts.IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion = true;
+  return loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXTempObjectRegion(E, LCtx));
+ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::updateObjectsUnderConstruction(
+    SVal V, const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx,
+    const ConstructionContext *CC, const EvalCallOptions &CallOpts) {
+  if (CallOpts.IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion) {
+    // Sounds like we failed to find the target region and therefore
+    // copy elision failed. There's nothing we can do about it here.
+    return State;
+  }
+  // See if we're constructing an existing region by looking at the
+  // current construction context.
+  assert(CC && "Computed target region without construction context?");
+  switch (CC->getKind()) {
+  case ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyVariableKind:
+  case ConstructionContext::SimpleVariableKind: {
+    const auto *DSCC = cast<VariableConstructionContext>(CC);
+    return addObjectUnderConstruction(State, DSCC->getDeclStmt(), LCtx, V);
+    }
+    case ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyConstructorInitializerKind:
+    case ConstructionContext::SimpleConstructorInitializerKind: {
+      const auto *ICC = cast<ConstructorInitializerConstructionContext>(CC);
+      return addObjectUnderConstruction(State, ICC->getCXXCtorInitializer(),
+                                        LCtx, V);
+    }
+    case ConstructionContext::NewAllocatedObjectKind: {
+      return State;
+    }
+    case ConstructionContext::SimpleReturnedValueKind:
+    case ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyReturnedValueKind: {
+      const StackFrameContext *SFC = LCtx->getStackFrame();
+      const LocationContext *CallerLCtx = SFC->getParent();
+      if (!CallerLCtx) {
+        // No extra work is necessary in top frame.
+        return State;
+      }
+      auto RTC = (*SFC->getCallSiteBlock())[SFC->getIndex()]
+                     .getAs<CFGCXXRecordTypedCall>();
+      assert(RTC && "Could not have had a target region without it");
+      if (isa<BlockInvocationContext>(CallerLCtx)) {
+        // Unwrap block invocation contexts. They're mostly part of
+        // the current stack frame.
+        CallerLCtx = CallerLCtx->getParent();
+        assert(!isa<BlockInvocationContext>(CallerLCtx));
+      }
+      return updateObjectsUnderConstruction(V,
+          cast<Expr>(SFC->getCallSite()), State, CallerLCtx,
+          RTC->getConstructionContext(), CallOpts);
+    }
+    case ConstructionContext::ElidedTemporaryObjectKind: {
+      assert(AMgr.getAnalyzerOptions().ShouldElideConstructors);
+      if (!CallOpts.IsElidableCtorThatHasNotBeenElided) {
+        const auto *TCC = cast<ElidedTemporaryObjectConstructionContext>(CC);
+        State = updateObjectsUnderConstruction(
+            V, TCC->getConstructorAfterElision(), State, LCtx,
+            TCC->getConstructionContextAfterElision(), CallOpts);
+        // Remember that we've elided the constructor.
+        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(
+            State, TCC->getConstructorAfterElision(), LCtx, V);
+        // Remember that we've elided the destructor.
+        if (const auto *BTE = TCC->getCXXBindTemporaryExpr())
+          State = elideDestructor(State, BTE, LCtx);
-      assert(!V.isUnknown());
+        // Instead of materialization, shamelessly return
+        // the final object destination.
+        if (const auto *MTE = TCC->getMaterializedTemporaryExpr())
+          State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, MTE, LCtx, V);
-      if (BTE)
+        return State;
+      }
+      // If we decided not to elide the constructor, proceed as if
+      // it's a simple temporary.
+    }
+    case ConstructionContext::SimpleTemporaryObjectKind: {
+      const auto *TCC = cast<TemporaryObjectConstructionContext>(CC);
+      if (const auto *BTE = TCC->getCXXBindTemporaryExpr())
         State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, BTE, LCtx, V);
-      return std::make_pair(State, V);
+      if (const auto *MTE = TCC->getMaterializedTemporaryExpr())
+        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, MTE, LCtx, V);
+      return State;
+    case ConstructionContext::ArgumentKind: {
+      const auto *ACC = cast<ArgumentConstructionContext>(CC);
+      if (const auto *BTE = ACC->getCXXBindTemporaryExpr())
+        State = addObjectUnderConstruction(State, BTE, LCtx, V);
+      return addObjectUnderConstruction(
+          State, {ACC->getCallLikeExpr(), ACC->getIndex()}, LCtx, V);
-  // If we couldn't find an existing region to construct into, assume we're
-  // constructing a temporary. Notify the caller of our failure.
-  CallOpts.IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion = true;
-  return std::make_pair(
-      State, loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXTempObjectRegion(E, LCtx)));
+  llvm_unreachable("Unhandled construction context!");
 void ExprEngine::handleConstructor(const Expr *E,
Index: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CallEvent.cpp
--- clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CallEvent.cpp
+++ clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CallEvent.cpp
@@ -535,6 +535,46 @@
   // FIXME: Variadic arguments are not handled at all right now.
+static const ConstructionContext
+*getConstructionContext(const CallEvent &Call, unsigned BlockCount) {
+  const CFGBlock *Block;
+  unsigned Index;
+  const StackFrameContext *StackFrame = Call.getCalleeStackFrame(BlockCount);
+  if (!StackFrame)
+    return nullptr;
+  Block = StackFrame->getCallSiteBlock();
+  if (!Block)
+    return nullptr;
+  Index = StackFrame->getIndex();
+  if(const auto Ctor = (*Block)[Index].getAs<CFGConstructor>()) {
+    return Ctor->getConstructionContext();
+  }
+  if (const auto RecCall = (*Block)[Index].getAs<CFGCXXRecordTypedCall>()) {
+    return RecCall->getConstructionContext();
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+CallEvent::getReturnValueUnderConstruction(unsigned BlockCount) const {
+  const auto *CC = getConstructionContext(*this, BlockCount);
+  if (!CC)
+    return None;
+  ExprEngine::EvalCallOptions CallOpts;
+  ExprEngine &Engine = getState()->getStateManager().getOwningEngine();
+  SVal RetVal =
+    Engine.computeObjectUnderConstruction(getOriginExpr(), getState(),
+                                          getLocationContext(), CC, CallOpts);
+  return RetVal;
 ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*> AnyFunctionCall::parameters() const {
   const FunctionDecl *D = getDecl();
   if (!D)
Index: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h
--- clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h
+++ clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h
@@ -126,6 +126,13 @@
     /// for example 'A { const C &c; }; A a = { C() };'
     bool IsTemporaryLifetimeExtendedViaAggregate = false;
+    /// This call is a pre-C++17 elidable constructor that we failed to elide
+    /// because we failed to compute the target region into which
+    /// this constructor would have been ultimately elided. Analysis that
+    /// we perform in this case is still correct but it behaves differently,
+    /// as if copy elision is disabled.
+    bool IsElidableCtorThatHasNotBeenElided = false;
     EvalCallOptions() {}
@@ -709,6 +716,35 @@
                        const CallEvent &Call,
                        const EvalCallOptions &CallOpts = {});
+  /// Find location of the object that is being constructed by a given
+  /// constructor. This should ideally always succeed but due to not being
+  /// fully implemented it sometimes indicates that it failed via its
+  /// out-parameter CallOpts; in such cases a fake temporary region is
+  /// returned, which is better than nothing but does not represent
+  /// the actual behavior of the program.
+  SVal computeObjectUnderConstruction(
+      const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx,
+      const ConstructionContext *CC, EvalCallOptions &CallOpts);
+  /// Update the program state with all the path-sensitive information
+  /// that's necessary to perform construction of an object with a given
+  /// syntactic construction context. V and CallOpts have to be obtained from
+  /// computeObjectUnderConstruction() invoked with the same set of
+  /// the remaining arguments (E, State, LCtx, CC).
+  ProgramStateRef updateObjectsUnderConstruction(
+      SVal V, const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx,
+      const ConstructionContext *CC, const EvalCallOptions &CallOpts);
+  /// A convenient wrapper around computeObjectUnderConstruction
+  /// and updateObjectsUnderConstruction.
+  std::pair<ProgramStateRef, SVal> handleConstructionContext(
+      const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx,
+      const ConstructionContext *CC, EvalCallOptions &CallOpts) {
+    SVal V = computeObjectUnderConstruction(E, State, LCtx, CC, CallOpts);
+    return std::make_pair(
+        updateObjectsUnderConstruction(V, E, State, LCtx, CC, CallOpts), V);
+  }
   ProgramStateRef finishArgumentConstruction(ProgramStateRef State,
                                              const CallEvent &Call);
@@ -827,16 +863,6 @@
   /// constructing into an existing region.
   const CXXConstructExpr *findDirectConstructorForCurrentCFGElement();
-  /// Update the program state with all the path-sensitive information
-  /// that's necessary to perform construction of an object with a given
-  /// syntactic construction context. If the construction context is unavailable
-  /// or unusable for any reason, a dummy temporary region is returned, and the
-  /// IsConstructorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion flag is set in \p CallOpts.
-  /// Returns the updated program state and the new object's this-region.
-  std::pair<ProgramStateRef, SVal> handleConstructionContext(
-      const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx,
-      const ConstructionContext *CC, EvalCallOptions &CallOpts);
   /// Common code that handles either a CXXConstructExpr or a
   /// CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr.
   void handleConstructor(const Expr *E, ExplodedNode *Pred,
Index: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h
--- clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h
+++ clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h
@@ -434,6 +434,10 @@
     return CallArgumentIndex;
+  /// If the call returns a C++ record type then the region of its return value
+  /// can be retrieved from its construction context.
+  Optional<SVal> getReturnValueUnderConstruction(unsigned BlockCount) const;
   // Iterator access to formal parameters and their types.
   struct GetTypeFn {
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