vsavchenko added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CallEvent.cpp:552
+  Index = StackFrame->getIndex();
Szelethus wrote:
> baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> > Szelethus wrote:
> > > This mustn't be serious. `StackFrameContext::getIndex()` has **no 
> > > comments** at all! So it is an index to the element within a `CFGBlock` 
> > > to which it also stores a field for??? Ugh. Shouldn't we just have a 
> > > `getCallSiteCFGElement` or something? Especially since we have 
> > > `CFGElementRef`s now.
> > > 
> > > Would you be so nice to hunt this down please? :)
> > Do you mean a new `StackFrameContext::getCFGElement()` member function? I 
> > agree. I can do it, however this technology where we get the block and the 
> > index separately is used at many places in the code, then it would be 
> > appropriate to refactor all these places. Even wrose is the backward 
> > direction, where we look for the CFG element of a statement: we find the 
> > block from `CFGStmtMap` and then we search for the index **liearly**, 
> > instrad of storing it in the map as well!!!
> Nasty. Yeah, I mean not to burden you work refactoring any more then you feel 
> like doing it, but simply adding a `StackFrameContext::getCFGElement()` 
> method and using it in this patch would be nice enough, and some comments to 
> `getIndex()`. But this obviously isn't a high prio issue.
I do believe that clearer interface functions and better segregation of 
different functionalities will make it much easier for us in the future

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CallEvent.cpp:553
+  if(const auto Ctor = (*Block)[Index].getAs<CFGConstructor>()) {
+    return Ctor->getConstructionContext();
nit: space after `if`

And I would also prefer putting `const auto *Ctor`

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp:247-249
+      Optional<SVal> ExistingVal = getObjectUnderConstruction(State, CE, LCtx);
+      if (ExistingVal.hasValue())
+        return std::make_pair(State, *ExistingVal);
Maybe here (and further) we can use a widespread pattern of `bool`-castable 
things declared in the `if` condition (like you do with `dyn_casts`):

if (Optional<SVal> ExistingVal = getObjectUnderConstruction(State, CE, LCtx))
  return std::make_pair(State, *ExistingVal);

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp:345-360
+      if (const auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E)) {
+        Optional<SVal> ExistingVal =
+          getObjectUnderConstruction(State, {CE, Idx}, LCtx);
+        if (ExistingVal.hasValue())
+          return std::make_pair(State, *ExistingVal);
+      } else if (const auto *CCE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(E)) {
+        Optional<SVal> ExistingVal =
It seems like a code duplication to me.

First of all we can first compose a `ConstructionContextItem` from either `CE`, 
`CCE`, or `ME` and then call for `getObjectUnderConstruction`.
Additionally, I think we can hide even that by introducing an overload for 
`getObjectUnderConstruction` that takes an expression and an index. 

Comment at: 
+  void checkPostCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const {
+    if (!Call.getOriginExpr())
martong wrote:
> I assume this tests this call expression: `returnC(1)` . But this is 
> absolutely not trivial from the test code, could you please make this cleaner?
I think that this function, the meat and bones of the test, should be properly 
commented and state explicitly what are the assumption and what is the expected 

Comment at: 
+    Optional<SVal> RetVal = Call.getReturnValueUnderConstruction(0);
+    assert(RetVal);
+    assert(RetVal->getAsRegion());
martong wrote:
> I think it would make the tests cleaner if we had some member variables set 
> here and then in the test function 
> (`addTestReturnValueUnderConstructionChecker`) we had the expectations on 
> those variables.
> Right now, if we face an assertion it kills the whole unit test suite and it 
> is not obvious why that happened.
Why not `gtest`s assertions? Those will also interrupt the execution, but will 
be much clearer in the output.



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