NoQ added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CStringChecker.cpp:273
   Optional<DefinedSVal> val = V.getAs<DefinedSVal>();
-  if (!val)
-    return std::pair<ProgramStateRef , ProgramStateRef >(state, state);
+  if (val && !V.getAs<nonloc::LazyCompoundVal>()) {
+     // return pair shall be {null, non-null} so reorder states
Basically `SVal::getAs<>` should not be used for discovering the type of the 
value; only the exact representation that's used for the value of the type 
that's already in your possession. Say, it's ok to use it to discriminate 
between, say, compound value and lazy compound value. It's ok to use it to 
discriminate between a concrete integer and a symbol. It's ok to use it do 
discriminate between a known value and an unknown value. But if it's used for 
discriminating between a compound value and a numeric symbol, i'm 99% sure it's 
incorrect. You should already know the type from the AST before you even obtain 
the value. It doesn't make sense to run the checker at all if the function 
receives a structure. And if it doesn't receive the structure but the run-time 
value is of structure type, then either the checker isn't obtaining the value 
correctly or there's bug in path-sensitive analysis. That's why i still believe 
you're only treating the symptoms. There's nothing normal in the situation 
where "strcpy suddenly accepts a structure (or an array) by value".


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