benlangmuir added a comment.

Please clarify what you mean here:

> The rationale is that if source and destination paths in the YAML file 
> contain ".." this is enough

>  for the file manager to retrieve the right file, meaning that it doesn't 
> matter how we write it

>  since the FileManager is capable of transforming it in real/feasible paths.

The VFS layer does not have access to the FileManager.  I agree that ".." in a 
destination path should be fine.  But ".." in a source path will only work if 
we have code in the redirecting file system to handle ".." explicitly, which 
AFAICT we don't:

  RedirectingFileSystem::lookupPath(sys::path::const_iterator Start,
                                    sys::path::const_iterator End, Entry *From) 
    if (Start->equals("."))
    // FIXME: handle ..

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