benlangmuir added a comment.

> Now, we try to use the new YAML file + cache from a new clang invocation. 
> When the FileManager requests status in (2) for the path 
> "/install-dir/bin/../lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h" neither 
> "remove_dots()" nor "realpath()" would be able to resolve it to 
> "/private/tmp/a/b/lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h" and will fallback to 
> search the real filesystem instead, if this is a different machine, it will 
> fail. Since we are looking at a virtual path in (2) it could makes sense to 
> use remove_dots() but it won't make sense to use "realpath()".


> How do you propose we fix that?

Ugh, I forgot about this case.  Sorry for making this sound simpler than it is!

Your two-path solution seems like it's on the right track but I don't like that 
it brings us back to having ".." in the source path.  Do you think it's 
feasible to store a mapping from the realpath, and additionally have a symlink 
entry in the VFS (which would be a new feature for the VFS in general)?  When 
we write the YAML file, we could realpath(source) and if it is different from 
remove_dots(source) we would add a symlink entry.  I suspect figuring out whthe 
symlink would add non-trivial overhead, since we'd have to look at every path 
component... at least it would only be paid when creating the YAML, not when 
reading it. Any thoughts?

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