This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rL362371: [OpenCL] Declare builtin functions using TableGen 
(authored by svenvh, committed by ).
Herald added a project: LLVM.
Herald added a subscriber: llvm-commits.

Changed prior to commit:




Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Driver/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Driver/
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Driver/
@@ -778,7 +778,9 @@
 def fdefault_calling_conv_EQ : Joined<["-"], "fdefault-calling-conv=">,
   HelpText<"Set default calling convention">, Values<"cdecl,fastcall,stdcall,vectorcall,regcall">;
 def finclude_default_header : Flag<["-"], "finclude-default-header">,
-  HelpText<"Include the default header file for OpenCL">;
+  HelpText<"Include default header file for OpenCL">;
+def fdeclare_opencl_builtins : Flag<["-"], "fdeclare-opencl-builtins">,
+  HelpText<"Add OpenCL builtin function declarations (experimental)">;
 def fpreserve_vec3_type : Flag<["-"], "fpreserve-vec3-type">,
   HelpText<"Preserve 3-component vector type">;
 def fwchar_type_EQ : Joined<["-"], "fwchar-type=">,
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@
   TARGET ClangAttrHasAttributeImpl
+  -I ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../ -gen-clang-opencl-builtins
+  TARGET ClangOpenCLBuiltinsImpl
+  )
 clang_tablegen( -gen-arm-neon-sema
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+//==--- - OpenCL builtin declarations -------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains TableGen definitions for OpenCL builtin function
+// declarations.  In case of an unresolved function name in OpenCL, Clang will
+// check for a function described in this file when -fdeclare-opencl-builtins
+// is specified.
+//              Definitions of miscellaneous basic entities.
+// Versions of OpenCL
+class Version<int _Version> {
+  int Version = _Version;
+def CL10: Version<100>;
+def CL11: Version<110>;
+def CL12: Version<120>;
+def CL20: Version<200>;
+// Address spaces
+// Pointer types need to be assigned an address space.
+class AddressSpace<string _AS> {
+  string AddrSpace = _AS;
+def default_as    : AddressSpace<"clang::LangAS::Default">;
+def private_as    : AddressSpace<"clang::LangAS::opencl_private">;
+def global_as     : AddressSpace<"clang::LangAS::opencl_global">;
+def constant_as   : AddressSpace<"clang::LangAS::opencl_constant">;
+def local_as      : AddressSpace<"clang::LangAS::opencl_local">;
+def generic_as    : AddressSpace<"clang::LangAS::opencl_generic">;
+// Qualified Type. Allow to retrieve one ASTContext QualType.
+class QualType<string _Name> {
+  // Name of the field or function in a clang::ASTContext
+  // E.g. Name="IntTy" for the int type, and "getIntPtrType()" for an intptr_t
+  string Name = _Name;
+// Helper class to store type access qualifiers (volatile, const, ...).
+class Qualifier<string _QualName> {
+  string QualName = _QualName;
+//                      OpenCL C classes for types
+// OpenCL types (int, float, ...)
+class Type<string _Name, QualType _QTName> {
+  // Name of the Type
+  string Name = _Name;
+  // QualType associated with this type
+  QualType QTName = _QTName;
+  // Size of the vector (if applicable)
+  int VecWidth = 0;
+  // Is pointer
+  bit IsPointer = 0;
+  // List of qualifiers associated with the type (volatile, ...)
+  list<Qualifier> QualList = [];
+  // Address space
+  string AddrSpace = "clang::LangAS::Default";
+  // Access qualifier. Must be one of ("RO", "WO", "RW").
+  string AccessQualifier = "";
+// OpenCL vector types (e.g. int2, int3, int16, float8, ...)
+class VectorType<Type _Ty, int _VecWidth> : Type<_Ty.Name, _Ty.QTName> {
+  int VecWidth = _VecWidth;
+// OpenCL pointer types (e.g. int*, float*, ...)
+class PointerType<Type _Ty, AddressSpace _AS = global_as> :
+                                      Type<_Ty.Name, _Ty.QTName> {
+  bit IsPointer = 1;
+  string AddrSpace = _AS.AddrSpace;
+// OpenCL image types (e.g. image2d_t, ...)
+class ImageType<Type _Ty, QualType _QTName, string _AccessQualifier> :
+                                              Type<_Ty.Name, _QTName> {
+  let AccessQualifier = _AccessQualifier;
+//                      OpenCL C class for builtin functions
+class Builtin<string _Name, list<Type> _Signature> {
+  // Name of the builtin function
+  string Name = _Name;
+  // List of types used by the function. The first one is the return type and
+  // the following are the arguments. The list must have at least one element
+  // (the return type).
+  list<Type> Signature = _Signature;
+  // OpenCL Extension to which the function belongs (cl_khr_subgroups, ...)
+  string Extension = "";
+  // OpenCL Version to which the function belongs (CL10, ...)
+  Version Version = CL10;
+//                           Multiclass definitions
+// multiclass BifN: Creates Builtin class instances for OpenCL builtin
+//                  functions with N arguments.
+// _Name      : Name of the function
+// _Signature : Signature of the function (list of the Type used by the
+//              function, the first one being the return type).
+// _IsVector  : List of bit indicating if the type in the _Signature at the
+//              same index is to be a vector in the multiple overloads. The
+//              list must have at least one non-zero value.
+multiclass Bif0<string _Name, list<Type> _Signature, list<bit> _IsVector> {
+  def : Builtin<_Name, _Signature>;
+  foreach v = [2, 3, 4, 8, 16] in {
+    def : Builtin<_Name,
+                  [!if(_IsVector[0], VectorType<_Signature[0], v>, _Signature[0])]>;
+  }
+multiclass Bif1<string _Name, list<Type> _Signature, list<bit> _IsVector> {
+  def : Builtin<_Name, _Signature>;
+  foreach v = [2, 3, 4, 8, 16] in {
+    def : Builtin<_Name,
+                  [!if(_IsVector[0], VectorType<_Signature[0], v>, _Signature[0]),
+                  !if(_IsVector[1], VectorType<_Signature[1], v>, _Signature[1])]>;
+  }
+multiclass Bif2<string _Name, list<Type> _Signature, list<bit> _IsVector> {
+  def : Builtin<_Name, _Signature>;
+  foreach v = [2, 3, 4, 8, 16] in {
+    def : Builtin<_Name,
+                  [!if(_IsVector[0], VectorType<_Signature[0], v>, _Signature[0]),
+                  !if(_IsVector[1], VectorType<_Signature[1], v>, _Signature[1]),
+                  !if(_IsVector[2], VectorType<_Signature[2], v>, _Signature[2])]>;
+  }
+multiclass Bif3<string _Name, list<Type> _Signature, list<bit> _IsVector> {
+  def : Builtin<_Name, _Signature>;
+  foreach v = [2, 3, 4, 8, 16] in {
+    def : Builtin<_Name,
+                  [!if(_IsVector[0], VectorType<_Signature[0], v>, _Signature[0]),
+                  !if(_IsVector[1], VectorType<_Signature[1], v>, _Signature[1]),
+                  !if(_IsVector[2], VectorType<_Signature[2], v>, _Signature[2]),
+                  !if(_IsVector[3], VectorType<_Signature[3], v>, _Signature[3])]>;
+  }
+//                 Definitions of OpenCL C types
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.1.1: Built-in Scalar Data Types
+def bool_t      : Type<"bool", QualType<"BoolTy">>;
+def char_t      : Type<"char", QualType<"CharTy">>;
+def uchar_t     : Type<"uchar", QualType<"UnsignedCharTy">>;
+def short_t     : Type<"short", QualType<"ShortTy">>;
+def ushort_t    : Type<"ushort", QualType<"UnsignedShortTy">>;
+def int_t       : Type<"int", QualType<"IntTy">>;
+def uint_t      : Type<"uint", QualType<"UnsignedIntTy">>;
+def long_t      : Type<"long", QualType<"LongTy">>;
+def ulong_t     : Type<"ulong", QualType<"UnsignedLongTy">>;
+def float_t     : Type<"float", QualType<"FloatTy">>;
+def double_t    : Type<"double", QualType<"DoubleTy">>;
+def half_t      : Type<"half", QualType<"HalfTy">>;
+def size_t      : Type<"size_t",  QualType<"getSizeType()">>;
+def ptrdiff_t   : Type<"ptrdiff_t", QualType<"getPointerDiffType()">>;
+def intptr_t    : Type<"intptr_t", QualType<"getIntPtrType()">>;
+def uintptr_t   : Type<"uintptr_t", QualType<"getUIntPtrType()">>;
+def void_t      : Type<"void", QualType<"VoidTy">>;
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.1.2: Built-in Vector Data Types
+foreach v = [2, 3, 4, 8, 16] in {
+  def char#v#_t    : VectorType<char_t, v>;
+  def uchar#v#_t   : VectorType<uchar_t, v>;
+  def short#v#_t   : VectorType<short_t, v>;
+  def ushort#v#_t  : VectorType<ushort_t, v>;
+  def "int"#v#_t   : VectorType<int_t, v>;
+  def uint#v#_t    : VectorType<uint_t, v>;
+  def long#v#_t    : VectorType<long_t, v>;
+  def ulong#v#_t   : VectorType<ulong_t, v>;
+  def float#v#_t   : VectorType<float_t, v>;
+  def double#v#_t  : VectorType<double_t, v>;
+  def half#v#_t    : VectorType<half_t, v>;
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.1.3: Other Built-in Data Types
+// These definitions with a "null" name are "abstract". They should not
+// be used in definitions of Builtin functions.
+def image2d_t         : Type<"image2d_t", QualType<"null">>;
+def image3d_t         : Type<"image3d_t", QualType<"null">>;
+def image2d_array_t   : Type<"image2d_array_t", QualType<"null">>;
+def image1d_t         : Type<"image1d_t", QualType<"null">>;
+def image1d_buffer_t  : Type<"image1d_buffer_t", QualType<"null">>;
+def image1d_array_t   : Type<"image1d_array_t", QualType<"null">>;
+// Unlike the few functions above, the following definitions can be used
+// in definitions of Builtin functions (they have a QualType with a name).
+foreach v = ["RO", "WO", "RW"] in {
+  def image2d_#v#_t       : ImageType<image2d_t,
+                                      QualType<"OCLImage2d"#v#"Ty">,
+                                      v>;
+  def image3d_#v#_t       : ImageType<image3d_t,
+                                      QualType<"OCLImage3d"#v#"Ty">,
+                                      v>;
+  def image2d_array#v#_t  : ImageType<image2d_array_t,
+                                      QualType<"OCLImage2dArray"#v#"Ty">,
+                                      v>;
+  def image1d_#v#_t       : ImageType<image1d_t,
+                                      QualType<"OCLImage1d"#v#"Ty">,
+                                      v>;
+  def image1d_buffer#v#_t : ImageType<image1d_buffer_t,
+                                      QualType<"OCLImage1dBuffer"#v#"Ty">,
+                                      v>;
+  def image1d_array#v#_t  : ImageType<image1d_array_t,
+                                      QualType<"OCLImage1dArray"#v#"Ty">,
+                                      v>;
+def sampler_t         : Type<"sampler_t", QualType<"OCLSamplerTy">>;
+def event_t           : Type<"event_t", QualType<"OCLEventTy">>;
+//                 Definitions of OpenCL builtin functions
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.2.3: Explicit Conversions
+// Generate the convert_ builtins.
+foreach RType = [float_t, double_t, char_t, uchar_t, short_t, ushort_t,
+                int_t, uint_t, long_t, ulong_t] in {
+  foreach IType = [float_t, double_t, char_t, uchar_t, short_t, ushort_t,
+                   int_t, uint_t, long_t, ulong_t] in {
+    foreach sat = ["", "_sat"] in {
+      foreach rte = ["", "_rte", "_rtz", "_rtp", "_rtn"] in {
+        def : Builtin<"convert_"  # RType.Name # sat # rte, [RType, IType]>;
+        foreach v = [2, 3, 4, 8, 16] in {
+          def : Builtin<"convert_" # RType.Name # v # sat # rte,
+                        [VectorType<RType, v>,
+                         VectorType<IType, v>]>;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.12.1: Work-Item Functions
+def get_work_dim : Builtin<"get_work_dim", [uint_t]>;
+foreach name = ["get_global_size", "get_global_id", "get_local_size",
+                "get_local_id", "get_num_groups", "get_group_id",
+                "get_global_offset"] in {
+  def : Builtin<name, [size_t, uint_t]>;
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.12.2: Math Functions
+foreach name = ["acos", "acosh", "acospi",
+                "asin", "asinh", "asinpi",
+                "atan", "atanh", "atanpi"] in {
+  foreach type = [float_t, double_t, half_t] in {
+    defm : Bif1<name, [type, type], [1, 1]>;
+  }
+foreach name = ["atan2", "atan2pi"] in {
+  foreach type = [float_t, double_t, half_t] in {
+    defm : Bif2<name, [type, type, type], [1, 1, 1]>;
+  }
+foreach name = ["fmax", "fmin"] in {
+  foreach type = [float_t, double_t, half_t] in {
+    defm : Bif2<name, [type, type, type], [1, 1, 1]>;
+    defm : Bif2<name, [type, type, type], [1, 1, 0]>;
+  }
+// OpenCL v1.2 s6.12.14: Built-in Image Read Functions
+def read_imagef : Builtin<"read_imagef",
+                          [float4_t, image2d_RO_t, VectorType<int_t, 2>]>;
+def write_imagef : Builtin<"write_imagef",
+                           [void_t,
+                            image2d_WO_t,
+                            VectorType<int_t, 2>,
+                            VectorType<float_t, 4>]>;
+// OpenCL v2.0 s9.17.3: Additions to section 6.13.1: Work-Item Functions
+let Version = CL20 in {
+  let Extension = "cl_khr_subgroups" in {
+    def get_sub_group_size : Builtin<"get_sub_group_size", [uint_t]>;
+    def get_max_sub_group_size : Builtin<"get_max_sub_group_size", [uint_t]>;
+    def get_num_sub_groups : Builtin<"get_num_sub_groups", [uint_t]>;
+  }
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.def
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.def
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.def
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@
 LANGOPT(FakeAddressSpaceMap , 1, 0, "OpenCL fake address space map")
 ENUM_LANGOPT(AddressSpaceMapMangling , AddrSpaceMapMangling, 2, ASMM_Target, "OpenCL address space map mangling mode")
 LANGOPT(IncludeDefaultHeader, 1, 0, "Include default header file for OpenCL")
+LANGOPT(DeclareOpenCLBuiltins, 1, 0, "Declare OpenCL builtin functions")
 BENIGN_LANGOPT(DelayedTemplateParsing , 1, 0, "delayed template parsing")
 LANGOPT(BlocksRuntimeOptional , 1, 0, "optional blocks runtime")
Index: cfe/trunk/test/SemaOpenCL/
--- cfe/trunk/test/SemaOpenCL/
+++ cfe/trunk/test/SemaOpenCL/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple spir -verify -pedantic -fsyntax-only -cl-std=CL2.0 -fdeclare-opencl-builtins
+// Test the -fdeclare-opencl-builtins option.
+typedef float float4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)));
+typedef int int4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)));
+typedef int int2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2)));
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
+kernel void basic_conversion(global float4 *buf, global int4 *res) {
+  res[0] = convert_int4(buf[0]);
+kernel void basic_readonly_image_type(__read_only image2d_t img, int2 coord, global float4 *out) {
+  out[0] = read_imagef(img, coord);
+kernel void basic_subgroup(global uint *out) {
+  out[0] = get_sub_group_size();
+// expected-error@-1{{use of declaration 'get_sub_group_size' requires cl_khr_subgroups extension to be enabled}}
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_subgroups : enable
+  out[1] = get_sub_group_size();
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include "clang/Basic/"
 using namespace clang;
 using namespace sema;
@@ -670,6 +672,79 @@
+/// When trying to resolve a function name, if the isOpenCLBuiltin function
+/// defined in "" returns a non-null <Index, Len>, then the
+/// identifier is referencing an OpenCL builtin function. Thus, all its
+/// prototypes are added to the LookUpResult.
+/// \param S The Sema instance
+/// \param LR  The LookupResult instance
+/// \param II  The identifier being resolved
+/// \param Index  The list of prototypes starts at Index in OpenCLBuiltins[]
+/// \param Len  The list of prototypes has Len elements
+static void InsertOCLBuiltinDeclarations(Sema &S, LookupResult &LR,
+                                         IdentifierInfo *II, unsigned Index,
+                                         unsigned Len) {
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Len; ++i) {
+    OpenCLBuiltinDecl &Decl = OpenCLBuiltins[Index - 1 + i];
+    ASTContext &Context = S.Context;
+    // Ignore this BIF if the version is incorrect.
+    if (Context.getLangOpts().OpenCLVersion < Decl.Version)
+      continue;
+    FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo PI;
+    PI.Variadic = false;
+    // Defined in ""
+    QualType RT = OCL2Qual(Context, OpenCLSignature[Decl.ArgTableIndex]);
+    SmallVector<QualType, 5> ArgTypes;
+    for (unsigned I = 1; I < Decl.NumArgs; I++) {
+      QualType Ty = OCL2Qual(Context, OpenCLSignature[Decl.ArgTableIndex + I]);
+      ArgTypes.push_back(Ty);
+    }
+    QualType R = Context.getFunctionType(RT, ArgTypes, PI);
+    SourceLocation Loc = LR.getNameLoc();
+    // TODO: This part is taken from Sema::LazilyCreateBuiltin,
+    // maybe refactor it.
+    DeclContext *Parent = Context.getTranslationUnitDecl();
+    FunctionDecl *New = FunctionDecl::Create(Context, Parent, Loc, Loc, II, R,
+                                             /*TInfo=*/nullptr, SC_Extern,
+                                             false, R->isFunctionProtoType());
+    New->setImplicit();
+    // Create Decl objects for each parameter, adding them to the
+    // FunctionDecl.
+    if (const FunctionProtoType *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(R)) {
+      SmallVector<ParmVarDecl *, 16> Params;
+      for (unsigned i = 0, e = FT->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
+        ParmVarDecl *Parm =
+            ParmVarDecl::Create(Context, New, SourceLocation(),
+                                SourceLocation(), nullptr, FT->getParamType(i),
+                                /*TInfo=*/nullptr, SC_None, nullptr);
+        Parm->setScopeInfo(0, i);
+        Params.push_back(Parm);
+      }
+      New->setParams(Params);
+    }
+    New->addAttr(OverloadableAttr::CreateImplicit(Context));
+    if (strlen(Decl.Extension))
+      S.setOpenCLExtensionForDecl(New, Decl.Extension);
+    LR.addDecl(New);
+  }
+  // If we added overloads, need to resolve the lookup result.
+  if (Len > 1)
+    LR.resolveKind();
 /// Lookup a builtin function, when name lookup would otherwise
 /// fail.
 static bool LookupBuiltin(Sema &S, LookupResult &R) {
@@ -692,6 +767,15 @@
+      // Check if this is an OpenCL Builtin, and if so, insert its overloads.
+      if (S.getLangOpts().OpenCL && S.getLangOpts().DeclareOpenCLBuiltins) {
+        auto Index = isOpenCLBuiltin(II->getName());
+        if (Index.first) {
+          InsertOCLBuiltinDeclarations(S, R, II, Index.first, Index.second);
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
       // If this is a builtin on this (or all) targets, create the decl.
       if (unsigned BuiltinID = II->getBuiltinID()) {
         // In C++ and OpenCL (spec v1.2 s6.9.f), we don't have any predefined
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
@@ -2179,7 +2179,7 @@
     Opts.NativeHalfArgsAndReturns = 1;
     Opts.OpenCLCPlusPlus = Opts.CPlusPlus;
     // Include default header file for OpenCL.
-    if (Opts.IncludeDefaultHeader) {
+    if (Opts.IncludeDefaultHeader && !Opts.DeclareOpenCLBuiltins) {
@@ -2385,6 +2385,7 @@
   Opts.IncludeDefaultHeader = Args.hasArg(OPT_finclude_default_header);
+  Opts.DeclareOpenCLBuiltins = Args.hasArg(OPT_fdeclare_opencl_builtins);
   llvm::Triple T(TargetOpts.Triple);
   CompilerInvocation::setLangDefaults(Opts, IK, T, PPOpts, LangStd);
Index: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@
 void EmitClangDiagDocs(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
 void EmitClangOptDocs(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitClangOpenCLBuiltins(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
+                             llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
 void EmitClangDataCollectors(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
                              llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
Index: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+  GenClangOpenCLBuiltins,
@@ -147,6 +148,8 @@
         clEnumValN(GenClangCommentCommandList, "gen-clang-comment-command-list",
                    "Generate list of commands that are used in "
                    "documentation comments"),
+        clEnumValN(GenClangOpenCLBuiltins, "gen-clang-opencl-builtins",
+                   "Generate OpenCL builtin declaration handlers"),
         clEnumValN(GenArmNeon, "gen-arm-neon", "Generate arm_neon.h for clang"),
         clEnumValN(GenArmFP16, "gen-arm-fp16", "Generate arm_fp16.h for clang"),
         clEnumValN(GenArmNeonSema, "gen-arm-neon-sema",
@@ -266,6 +269,9 @@
   case GenClangCommentCommandList:
     EmitClangCommentCommandList(Records, OS);
+  case GenClangOpenCLBuiltins:
+    EmitClangOpenCLBuiltins(Records, OS);
+    break;
   case GenArmNeon:
     EmitNeon(Records, OS);
Index: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+  ClangOpenCLBuiltinEmitter.cpp
Index: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/ClangOpenCLBuiltinEmitter.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/ClangOpenCLBuiltinEmitter.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/ClangOpenCLBuiltinEmitter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+//===- ClangOpenCLBuiltinEmitter.cpp - Generate Clang OpenCL Builtin handling
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This tablegen backend emits code for checking whether a function is an
+// OpenCL builtin function. If so, all overloads of this function are
+// added to the LookupResult. The generated include file is used by
+// SemaLookup.cpp
+// For a successful lookup of e.g. the "cos" builtin, isOpenCLBuiltin("cos")
+// returns a pair <Index, Len>.
+// OpenCLBuiltins[Index] to OpenCLBuiltins[Index + Len] contains the pairs
+// <SigIndex, SigLen> of the overloads of "cos".
+// OpenCLSignature[SigIndex] to OpenCLSignature[SigIndex + SigLen] contains
+// one of the signatures of "cos". The OpenCLSignature entry can be
+// referenced by other functions, i.e. "sin", since multiple OpenCL builtins
+// share the same signature.
+#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/StringMatcher.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
+#include <set>
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+class BuiltinNameEmitter {
+  BuiltinNameEmitter(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS)
+      : Records(Records), OS(OS) {}
+  // Entrypoint to generate the functions and structures for checking
+  // whether a function is an OpenCL builtin function.
+  void Emit();
+  // Contains OpenCL builtin functions and related information, stored as
+  // Record instances. They are coming from the associated TableGen file.
+  RecordKeeper &Records;
+  // The output file.
+  raw_ostream &OS;
+  // Emit the enums and structs.
+  void EmitDeclarations();
+  // Parse the Records generated by TableGen and populate OverloadInfo and
+  // SignatureSet.
+  void GetOverloads();
+  // Emit the OpenCLSignature table. This table contains all possible
+  // signatures, and is a struct OpenCLType. A signature is composed of a
+  // return type (mandatory), followed by zero or more argument types.
+  // E.g.:
+  // // 12
+  // { OCLT_uchar, 4, clang::LangAS::Default, false },
+  // { OCLT_float, 4, clang::LangAS::Default, false },
+  // This means that index 12 represents a signature
+  //   - returning a uchar vector of 4 elements, and
+  //   - taking as first argument a float vector of 4 elements.
+  void EmitSignatureTable();
+  // Emit the OpenCLBuiltins table. This table contains all overloads of
+  // each function, and is a struct OpenCLBuiltinDecl.
+  // E.g.:
+  // // acos
+  //   { 2, 0, "", 100 },
+  // This means that the signature of this acos overload is defined in OpenCL
+  // version 1.0 (100) and does not belong to any extension ("").  It has a
+  // 1 argument (+1 for the return type), stored at index 0 in the
+  // OpenCLSignature table.
+  void EmitBuiltinTable();
+  // Emit a StringMatcher function to check whether a function name is an
+  // OpenCL builtin function name.
+  void EmitStringMatcher();
+  // Emit a function returning the clang QualType instance associated with
+  // the TableGen Record Type.
+  void EmitQualTypeFinder();
+  // Contains a list of the available signatures, without the name of the
+  // function. Each pair consists of a signature and a cumulative index.
+  // E.g.:  <<float, float>, 0>,
+  //        <<float, int, int, 2>>,
+  //        <<float>, 5>,
+  //        ...
+  //        <<double, double>, 35>.
+  std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Record *>, unsigned>> SignatureSet;
+  // Map the name of a builtin function to its prototypes (instances of the
+  // TableGen "Builtin" class).
+  // Each prototype is registered as a pair of:
+  //   <pointer to the "Builtin" instance,
+  //    cumulative index of the associated signature in the SignatureSet>
+  // E.g.:  The function cos: (float cos(float), double cos(double), ...)
+  //        <"cos", <<ptrToPrototype0, 5>,
+  //                <ptrToPrototype1, 35>>
+  //                <ptrToPrototype2, 79>>
+  // ptrToPrototype1 has the following signature: <double, double>
+  MapVector<StringRef, std::vector<std::pair<const Record *, unsigned>>>
+      OverloadInfo;
+} // namespace
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::Emit() {
+  emitSourceFileHeader("OpenCL Builtin handling", OS);
+  OS << "#include \"llvm/ADT/StringRef.h\"\n";
+  OS << "using namespace clang;\n\n";
+  EmitDeclarations();
+  GetOverloads();
+  EmitSignatureTable();
+  EmitBuiltinTable();
+  EmitStringMatcher();
+  EmitQualTypeFinder();
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::EmitDeclarations() {
+  OS << "enum OpenCLTypeID {\n";
+  std::vector<Record *> Types = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Type");
+  StringMap<bool> TypesSeen;
+  for (const auto *T : Types) {
+    if (TypesSeen.find(T->getValueAsString("Name")) == TypesSeen.end())
+      OS << "  OCLT_" + T->getValueAsString("Name") << ",\n";
+    TypesSeen.insert(std::make_pair(T->getValueAsString("Name"), true));
+  }
+  OS << "};\n";
+  OS << R"(
+// Type used in a prototype of an OpenCL builtin function.
+struct OpenCLType {
+  // A type (e.g.: float, int, ...)
+  OpenCLTypeID ID;
+  // Size of vector (if applicable)
+  unsigned VectorWidth;
+  // Address space of the pointer (if applicable)
+  LangAS AS;
+  // Whether the type is a pointer
+  bool isPointer;
+// One overload of an OpenCL builtin function.
+struct OpenCLBuiltinDecl {
+  // Number of arguments for the signature
+  unsigned NumArgs;
+  // Index in the OpenCLSignature table to get the required types
+  unsigned ArgTableIndex;
+  // Extension to which it belongs (e.g. cl_khr_subgroups)
+  const char *Extension;
+  // Version in which it was introduced (e.g. CL20)
+  unsigned Version;
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::GetOverloads() {
+  unsigned CumulativeSignIndex = 0;
+  std::vector<Record *> Builtins = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Builtin");
+  for (const auto *B : Builtins) {
+    StringRef BName = B->getValueAsString("Name");
+    if (OverloadInfo.find(BName) == OverloadInfo.end()) {
+      OverloadInfo.insert(std::make_pair(
+          BName, std::vector<std::pair<const Record *, unsigned>>{}));
+    }
+    auto Signature = B->getValueAsListOfDefs("Signature");
+    auto it =
+        std::find_if(SignatureSet.begin(), SignatureSet.end(),
+                     [&](const std::pair<std::vector<Record *>, unsigned> &a) {
+                       return a.first == Signature;
+                     });
+    unsigned SignIndex;
+    if (it == SignatureSet.end()) {
+      SignatureSet.push_back(std::make_pair(Signature, CumulativeSignIndex));
+      SignIndex = CumulativeSignIndex;
+      CumulativeSignIndex += Signature.size();
+    } else {
+      SignIndex = it->second;
+    }
+    OverloadInfo[BName].push_back(std::make_pair(B, SignIndex));
+  }
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::EmitSignatureTable() {
+  OS << "OpenCLType OpenCLSignature[] = {\n";
+  for (auto &P : SignatureSet) {
+    OS << "// " << P.second << "\n";
+    for (Record *R : P.first) {
+      OS << "{ OCLT_" << R->getValueAsString("Name") << ", "
+         << R->getValueAsInt("VecWidth") << ", "
+         << R->getValueAsString("AddrSpace") << ", "
+         << R->getValueAsBit("IsPointer") << "},";
+      OS << "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  OS << "};\n\n";
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::EmitBuiltinTable() {
+  OS << "OpenCLBuiltinDecl OpenCLBuiltins[] = {\n";
+  for (auto &i : OverloadInfo) {
+    StringRef Name = i.first;
+    OS << "// " << Name << "\n";
+    for (auto &Overload : i.second) {
+      OS << "  { " << Overload.first->getValueAsListOfDefs("Signature").size()
+         << ", " << Overload.second << ", " << '"'
+         << Overload.first->getValueAsString("Extension") << "\", "
+         << Overload.first->getValueAsDef("Version")->getValueAsInt("Version")
+         << " },\n";
+    }
+  }
+  OS << "};\n\n";
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::EmitStringMatcher() {
+  std::vector<StringMatcher::StringPair> ValidBuiltins;
+  unsigned CumulativeIndex = 1;
+  for (auto &i : OverloadInfo) {
+    auto &Ov = i.second;
+    std::string RetStmt;
+    raw_string_ostream SS(RetStmt);
+    SS << "return std::make_pair(" << CumulativeIndex << ", " << Ov.size()
+       << ");";
+    SS.flush();
+    CumulativeIndex += Ov.size();
+    ValidBuiltins.push_back(StringMatcher::StringPair(i.first, RetStmt));
+  }
+  OS << R"(
+// Return 0 if name is not a recognized OpenCL builtin, or an index
+// into a table of declarations if it is an OpenCL builtin.
+std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> isOpenCLBuiltin(llvm::StringRef name) {
+  StringMatcher("name", ValidBuiltins, OS).Emit(0, true);
+  OS << "  return std::make_pair(0, 0);\n";
+  OS << "}\n";
+void BuiltinNameEmitter::EmitQualTypeFinder() {
+  OS << R"(
+static QualType OCL2Qual(ASTContext &Context, OpenCLType Ty) {
+  QualType RT = Context.VoidTy;
+  switch (Ty.ID) {
+  std::vector<Record *> Types = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Type");
+  StringMap<bool> TypesSeen;
+  for (const auto *T : Types) {
+    // Check we have not seen this Type
+    if (TypesSeen.find(T->getValueAsString("Name")) != TypesSeen.end())
+      continue;
+    TypesSeen.insert(std::make_pair(T->getValueAsString("Name"), true));
+    // Check the Type does not have an "abstract" QualType
+    auto QT = T->getValueAsDef("QTName");
+    if (QT->getValueAsString("Name") == "null")
+      continue;
+    OS << "  case OCLT_" << T->getValueAsString("Name") << ":\n";
+    OS << "    RT = Context." << QT->getValueAsString("Name") << ";\n";
+    OS << "    break;\n";
+  }
+  OS << "  }\n";
+  // Special cases
+  OS << R"(
+  if (Ty.VectorWidth > 0)
+    RT = Context.getExtVectorType(RT, Ty.VectorWidth);
+  if (Ty.isPointer) {
+    RT = Context.getAddrSpaceQualType(RT, Ty.AS);
+    RT = Context.getPointerType(RT);
+  }
+  return RT;
+namespace clang {
+void EmitClangOpenCLBuiltins(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  BuiltinNameEmitter NameChecker(Records, OS);
+  NameChecker.Emit();
+} // end namespace clang
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