plotfi added a comment.

In D60974#1474777 <>, @jakehehrlich 

> In D60974#1474751 <>, @plotfi wrote:
> > There are a few that I have in mind.
> >
> > 1. -emit-ifso could be added to a build to produce .so files as part of a 
> > device SDK (where we don't want to ship the runnable bits in the SDK, we 
> > ship those on the device updates).
> This would require creating a linker for these files. Is this what you intend 
> to do?

No, I do not intend to write any sort of linker in the classical sense. At most 
I'd be handling and merging symbol names from yaml files or possibly going from 
yaml -> elf .o -> .so. Weighing options.

>> 2. -emit-ifso could be added to whatever the existing set of build flags are 
>> to be run as a pre-build step to produce tapi-like .so files that break up 
>> build dependencies.
> How would this work? To be clear, this would happen at the same time that .o 
> files are produced correct? The build graph would basically look the same but 
> your new linking step would replace the original link step and there would be 
> a pendent node for the original link step. This would not break up the build 
> graph much at all save for the fact that we might imagine that this new link 
> step would be much faster.

I was thinking that since -emit-ifso doesn't invoke the backend, it could be 
run as a pre-build step. Then during the build, linking is done against the 
ifso stubs that are already generated instead of the actual .so files.

>> 3. -emit-ifso -fvisibility=hidden could added to the invocation to disallow 
>> usage of non-public apis.
> Can you be more specific? This is already how the actual modules do this 
> today so what is the advantage here.

I believe modules produce much more data than what I am doing here. What I am 
doing is trying to use visibility semantics to produce the bare minimum ELF and 
bare minimum symbols while still being able to link with the resulting .so file.

  rC Clang


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