Szelethus added a comment.

In D55400#1367046 <>, @george.karpenkov 

> > Hmmm, does this mess with options that bad? Could you please clarify?
> `registerChecker` gets-or-creates a checker object. A checker name (used for 
> getting the options) is set the first time it's created.
>  The checker which was created first "wins" and gets to name the resulting 
> checker.
>  In practice it basically means that options and checkers reusing the same 
> class do not work.
>  Do you have better ideas on how this could be arranged?

Sure, in fact its already implemented and got accepted by @NoQ, I just didnt 
have the time to commit and fine tune :)

The solution is essentially to create `CheckerManager::getChecker` alongside 
`registerChecker`, and making them in order assert if the checker is 
unregistered, and assert when the checked is already registered. In an earlier 
patch, I implement handling of dependencies on a higher level, essentially 
making `CheckerRegistry` take care of this, instead of making checker registry 
functions register multiple checkers, or, like in this case, register a common 
base. Before the registry function for either RetainCound or 
OSObjectRetainCount is called (which will now invoke `getChecker`), the 
registry function for RetainCountBase will be called, that will register the 
actual checker object.

You can take a look at how this would look like in D54438 

Would love to hear your thoughts on this! :)

> I think the current situation is a mess - ideally I would prefer to be able 
> to access the options in the constructor, but we can't even do that,
>  since `registerChecker` sets the checker name and is called after the object 
> has been constructed.
>  It seems that it would only make sense if the checker name is known at the 
> time the checker is constructed: probably the function `registerXChecker` 
> should get it as an argument.

The proposed solution solves this issue as well.

  rC Clang


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