Szelethus added a comment.

Poor wording on my end, sorry about that. Let me clarify.

In D55400#1366684 <>, @george.karpenkov 

> > Deal with the consequences of this, and just correct all plist files to now 
> > refer to the new base checker.
> What does it mean?

When a report is emitted in the plist output, it'll also that which checker is 
"responsible" for that warning. I vaguely remember reading that this isn't used 
that much in your application, but we use this information extensively here.

Now, what I'd propose, is register a new, `osx.RetainCountBase` checker, and 
make both of the already existing checkers depend on that. Long story short, 
this will make the name of the checker that is listed in that plist entry 
`osx.RetainCountBase`, as opposed to `osx.cocoa.RetainCount`, but this doesn't 
sound that illogical, considering that both of those checkers emit the same 
checker name anyways (meaning, that if one report originates from 
`osx.OSObjectRetainCount` and one from `osx.cocoa.RetainCount`, both reports 
will be listed as they originated from `osx.cocoa.RetainCount`).

>> Each time a report is emitted from these checkers, create a ProgramPointTag, 
>> and "manually" make sure the emitted checker name doesn't change.
> I'm not sure what do you propose exactly, but sounds pretty bad.

It does. I think `IvarInvalidation` uses something like that, and it's both 
unsustainable and very ugly.

>> Rename osx.cocoa.RetainCount to something else. This one is clearly 
>> nonsensical, but let's put it here for the sake of completeness.
> I don't think we can rename the old checker, as older Xcode versions have 
> "osx.cocoa.RetainCount" hardcoded in them.

Yea, this one makes little sense. Should've just left this one out really.

> TBH I'm not really sold on the way we "bundle" multiple checkers (from the 
> tablegen) into a single class. [...] essentially the checker name is defined 
> by the class which was registered by the tablegen first (which should not 
> even be visible, and should be an internal implementation detail)
>  Do you have better proposals on how, conceptually, grouped checkers should 
> be organized?

Yup, I've had the same thought before. I would argue strongly for registering 
them in the tblgen file, because a clear dependency graph can be easily 
established this way. What would be neat, however, is to also a new bit field 
to `Checker` in ``, which if set, will make the checker hidden in 
the `-analyzer-checker-help` list. There are many checkers that should be there 
anyways, implicit checker come to my mind first.

> For one, that means options don't work at all, and [...]

Hmmm, does this mess with options that bad? Could you please clarify?

  rC Clang


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