xbolva00 added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:110
+/// are usually useless
+static unsigned AdjustPrecision(unsigned precision) {
+  return (precision * 59 + 195) / 196;
craig.topper wrote:
> scanon wrote:
> > erichkeane wrote:
> > > Hmm.... I don't terribly understand how this function works.  Also, 
> > > comment above needs to end in a period.  
> > > 
> > > Can you elaborate further as to how this works?  Those are 3 pretty 
> > > suspect looking magic numbers...
> > It's attempting to compute the number of good base-10 digits (59/196 ~= 
> > log2(10)). We should really just make APFloat print the shortest 
> > round-trippable digit sequence instead. Yes, this is tricky to implement, 
> > but we don't need to implement it. There are two recent high-quality 
> > implementations available, which are both significantly faster than 
> > previous algorithms: Ryu and Swift's 
> > (https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/stdlib/public/runtime/SwiftDtoa.cpp).
> >  Swift's has the virtue of already being used in LLVM-family languages and 
> > having a tidy single-file implementation, but either would be perfectly 
> > usable, I think.
> > 
> > Neither supports float128 yet, but we could simply drop them in for float, 
> > double, and float80.
> Function names should start with lower case I think?
float80 has precision = 64 so we can put MAX value of unsigned long long into 
it with no issues, or?


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