On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 4:38 AM Peter Gutmann via cfarm-users
<cfarm-users@lists.tetaneutral.net> wrote:
> Denis Ovsienko via cfarm-users <cfarm-users@lists.tetaneutral.net> writes:
> >I ran into this particular thing after following the advice of shellcheck and
> >replacing `` with $(), which promptly broke the script on Solaris 10, which
> >is supposed to be POSIX-compliant, at least in the shell department.  As far
> >as I remember, eventually the explanation was that in Solaris before 11 /bin/
> >sh conformed to an older version of POSIX that does not have $().  So my
> >script ended up using `` again and disabling shellcheck warning SC2006.
> Ah, good to know!  I've added special-case code paths for the Sun version to
> use ``, more to document the issue than anything else since it's otherwise
> identical to $().

`` and $() and not quite the same. The big reason for me is, $() can
be nested, but `` cannot. (Or cannot easily).

Also see the Bash FAQ and <https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/082>.

> For anyone else needing to do this all it takes is:
> # shellcheck disable=SC2006
> right before the comment about Sun braindamage that precedes each `` use.
> In my case I just integrated it into the comment about Sun:
> # shellcheck disable=SC2006 # Antediluvian Sun tools

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