> On 19 Mar, 2021, at 6:16 am, Aaron Wood <wood...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As they're white LEDs, voltage (well, the current-limiting resistor used) 
> will probably matter (different color LEDs tend to take different 
> voltages/currents for the same brightness)

Electrically, white LEDs are usually blue LEDs in fact, with the blue light 
being converted to white by a phosphor layer on top.  They do tend to have a 
higher forward voltage than LEDs in the green to red range.

Since the original LEDs burned out rather quickly, it might be a good idea to 
simply double the value of the existing limit resistors.  You won't notice the 
change in brightness, and the LEDs will last much longer.  And if there 
*aren't* any limit resistors - well, there's yer problem.

 - Jonathan Morton
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