> On 17 Mar, 2021, at 3:24 am, Valdis Klētnieks <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
> Apparently, replacing them isn't *that* hard, but some of the
> details are sketchy.  In particular, does anybody know what part number
> is a suitable replacement?

What you need to determine is the package form/size and the LED colour.  
Probably even the latter is not critical.  Then you can obtain replacements 
through any electronic component dealer.

Through-hole LEDs will be described by their optical housing dimensions.  
Circular ones are typical, so measure the diameter.  Then check whether the top 
surface is hemispherical or flat.

Small surface-mount indicator LEDs (not the larger ones used for lighting 
applications) will usually be described by a four-digit package code that is 
common to resistors etc, and simply describes their width and length.  This 
shouldn't be too hard to determine.  You then only need to remember which way 
round to fit them.

 - Jonathan Morton
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