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Jonathan Foulkes <j...@jonathanfoulkes.com> writes:
> I installed the updated package on a 19.07.4 box running cake, and QoS
> performance went down the tubes.
> Last night it locked up completely while attempting to stream.
> See the PingPlots others have posted to this forum thread, mine look similar,
> went from constant sub 50ms to very spiky, then some loss, loss increasing,
> and if high traffic, lock-up.
> https://forum.openwrt.org/t/security-advisory-2021-01-19-1-dnsmasq-multiple-vulnerabilities/85903/39
> load is low, sirq is low, so box does not seem stressed.
> Any reason Cake would be sensitive to a dnsmasq bug?
No, not really. I mean, dnsmasq could be sending some traffic that
interferes with stuff? Or it could be a kernel regression - the release
did bump the kernel version as well...
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