Hi Fred,

I'm not familiar with "lupin undeclared" - could you send a pointer/link? 


On Jul 10, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Fred Stratton <fredstrat...@imap.cc> wrote:

> You are absolutely correct.
> I tried both a numeric overhead value, and alternatively 'pppoe-vcmux' and 
> 'ether-fcs' in the build I crafted based on r46006, which is lupin undeclared 
> version 2. Everything works as stated.
> On lupin undeclared version 4, the current release based on r46117, the 
> values were not recognised.
> Thank you.
> I had cake running on a Lantiq ADSL gateway running the same r46006 build. 
> Unfortunately this was bricked by attempts to get homenet working, so I have 
> nothing to report about gateway usage at present.
> On 10/07/15 13:57, Jonathan Morton wrote:
>> You're already using correct syntax - I've written it to be quite lenient 
>> and use sensible defaults for missing information. There are several sets of 
>> keywords and parameters which are mutually orthogonal, and don't depend on 
>> each other, so "besteffort" has nothing to do with "overhead" or "atm".
>> What's probably happening is that you're using a slightly old version of the 
>> cake kernel module which lacks the overhead parameter entirely, but a more 
>> up to date tc which does support it. We've seen this combination crop up 
>> ourselves recently.
>> - Jonathan Morton
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