On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:
> HI Jonathan,
> On May 18, 2015, at 19:17 , Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 18 May, 2015, at 20:03, Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> Adding Diffserv and recommending that LEDBAT applications use the
>>>> “background” traffic class (CS1 DSCP) solves this problem more
>>>> elegantly.  The share of bandwidth used by BitTorrent (say) is then
>>>> independent of the number of flows it uses, and it also makes sense to
>>>> configure FQ for ideal flow isolation rather than for mitigation.
>>> I wonder, for this to work well wouldn't we need to allow/honor at least 
>>> CS1 marks on ingress? I remember there was some discussion about mislabeled 
>>> traffic on ingress (Comcast I believe), do you see an easy way around that 
>>> issue?
>> I don’t know much about the characteristics of this mislabelling.  
>> Presumably though, Comcast is using DSCP remarking in an attempt to manage 
>> internal congestion.  If latency-sensitive and/or inelastic traffic is 
>> getting marked CS1, that would be a real problem, and Comcast would need 
>> leaning on to fix it.  It’s slightly less serious if general best-effort 
>> traffic gets CS1 markings.
>         I do not know any further details, but I think Dave noted that 
> originally, maybe he knows what was mislabeled.

all bits except the CS1 bit are masked out on comcast, it seems.

qdisc fq_codel 120: parent 1:12 limit 1001p flows 1024 quantum 1500
target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms ecn
 Sent 1177316772 bytes 16370274 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
 backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
  maxpacket 1514 drop_overlimit 0 new_flow_count 2626475 ecn_mark 0
  new_flows_len 0 old_flows_len 1
qdisc fq_codel 130: parent 1:13 limit 1001p flows 1024 quantum 300
target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms ecn
 Sent 234497554050 bytes 187934189 pkt (dropped 3368, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
 backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
  maxpacket 1514 drop_overlimit 0 new_flow_count 32445438 ecn_mark 77
  new_flows_len 1 old_flows_len 2

>> One solution would be to re-mark the traffic at the CPE on ingress, using 
>> local knowledge of what traffic is important and which ports are associated 
>> with BitTorrent.
>         In theory that sounds sweet, in practice this is hard I believe, as 
> there is not simple “mark” of bitttotrrent traffic, the TOS bits might be the 
> best we have (if bittorrent would actually mark itself CS1) and we already 
> discussed how unsatisfactory this solution is.
>>  Unfortunately, the ingress qdisc runs before iptables, making that more 
>> difficult.  I think it would be necessary to do re-marking using an ingress 
>> action before passing it to the qdisc.  Either that, or a pseudo-qdisc which 
>> just does the re-marking before handing the packet up the stack.
>> I’m not sure whether it’s possible to attach two ingress actions to the same 
>> interface, though.  If not, the re-marking action module would also need to 
>> incorporate act_mirred functionality, or a minimal subset thereof.
>         For this to be of practical issue we first need to solve the question 
> how to detect incoming bit torrent packets, so we have a need for remarking 
> facilities ;)
> If I recall correctly the nf_tables developers are working hard ATM to get 
> nf_tables working on ingress as well. There are a few threads on netdev e.g. 
> http://marc.info/?l=netfilter-devel&m=143153372615155&w=2 about nf_tables on 
> ingress. (I noticed in that discussion that our need to use traffic-shapers 
> (instead of policers) on the ingress does seem to be on the developers radar, 
> but I could be wrong )

At the moment based on the brutal after effects of watching the
dslreports "fiber" test I am leaning towards something more
policer-like on inbound so long as dumber rate shapers exist at the

> Best Regards
>         Sebastian
>> - Jonathan Morton
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