On Mar 12, 2015, at 22:59 , Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <t...@toke.dk> wrote:
>>> sqm-scripts / luci-app-sqm is only available from CC (trunk).  The CC
>>> version can be installed manually, but it will complain & leave you
>>> with
>>> warnings about it on every subsequent package install.
>> Note that we've been discussing backporting it to BB, but had one 
>> outstanding bug that we fixed recently. Been waiting until that fix has been 
>> out in CC for sufficiently long to weed out any adverse effects, then we'll 
>> get it into BB as well if possible :)
> I wouldn't mind restarting work on cake, either, as it simplifies the
> sqm-scripts tremendously, and (in it's present form) is mildly faster.
> Also exploring the existing policing options would be good at the
> higher rates. For an example of use see the last set of comments on
> wondershaper must die. And then there's "bobbie", which would be worth
> a paper for anyone that wants to talk to me then write it….

        I guess, it should be relatively simple to introduce a sign to sqm’s 
bandwidth fields, with positive denoting HTB shaping, negative simple policing 
(and zero stays at no shaping or policing); it is not that we have not already 
“overloaded” the bandwidth field already ;). That way we can keep everything in 
simple.qos making it more likely people will actually be able to test it… 
(Currently I have a temporary 100/40 Mbps link so I want to try the policer 
anyway ;) )
        Now if thee was a cerowrt re-spin that added cake, that would be great

Best Regards

>> -Toke
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> -- 
> Dave Täht
> Let's make wifi fast, less jittery and reliable again!
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