We're espousing the proposition that OpenWrt BB and later is a worthy successor 
to our beloved - and wicked reliable - CeroWrt 3.10.50-1. (See, for example, 
"CeroWrt Triumphs over Bufferbloat" at http://www.bufferbloat.net/news/ ) 

I just tried this out myself, and the initial experience isn't 
good/well-documented/easy enough for ordinary people who want it to "just work".

I snagged a TP-Link Archer C7 for $89 on Amazon (so I'd be working with a 
router that has a little more availability), and installed BB 14.07. I 
configured it as a secondary router (DHCP on the WAN port). So far, so good - 
it seems to pass packets, etc.

But a lot of the "special sauce" of CeroWrt seems to be missing. Specifically:

- BB seems to have bloat, and I don't understand how to install and configure 
the QoS/SQM scripts. (And is there a Luci GUI?)

- It's slick to have Guest and Secure networks

- I miss mDNS naming

- I haven't tried it, but would want to have smooth instructions for native 
IPv6 and/or IPV6 tunneling

I'm (personally) less concerned about these facilities, but would love to 
document how to make them work out of the box:

- Routing the interfaces instead of bridging them
- Babel mesh routing

 I'm willing to write up and publish the details. I'll also create a script 
similar to the ones in /usr/lib/CeroWrtScripts so it's easy to make the changes 
systematically. But I'd like hints for what is required to make these 
configuration changes. Many thanks.


On Feb 28, 2015, at 10:25 AM, Rich Brown <richb.hano...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> Two thoughts:
> 1) I'm renaming this thread so that it is easily found in the archives (it 
> was "Just FYI: WNDR3700 (v2???) refurbs available on Amazon for USD49.99")
> 2) I've been maintaining the CeroWrtScripts 
> (https://github.com/richb-hanover/CeroWrtScripts) that has a shell script to 
> set lots of the parameters of CeroWrt into a consistent state. To the extent 
> that the capabilities below are simple config changes, we can use this script 
> as a base for converting "Stock OpenWrt" into something more CeroWrt-like.
> Best,
> Rich
> On Feb 27, 2015, at 11:44 PM, David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Feb 2015, Dave Taht wrote:
>>>> you may have posted this and I'm just not remembering, but do you have a
>>>> list of what's in CeroWRT that OpenWRT won't take upstream (and any info on
>>>> why they won't take the items)?
>>>> Daivd Lang
>> trying to break this down by what's a config policy vs what's code (or 
>> significant config logic)
>>> * Unbridged interfaces - routing only
>> simple config
>>> * Device Naming by function rather than type
>> is this code or just a set of config settings?
>>> * More open to ipv6 firewall
>> is this just default settings?
>>> * Firewall using device pattern matching to avoid O(n) complexities in
>>> firewall rules
>> This sounds like default settings.
>>> * Babels on and preconfigured by default
>> any code here? or is just that it's there by default?
>>> * Oddball IP address range and /27 subnets
>> simple config
>>> * Polipo Web proxy
>> is this just a different default than upstream?
>>> * Samba by default
>> simple config
>>> * Faster web server
>> just a different default?
>>> * Weird port for the configuration web server
>> simple default
>>> * Pre-enabled wifi and wifi mesh interfaces
>> different defaults
>>> * Huge amount of alternate qdiscs (like pie, ns2_codel, cake, cake2, etc)
>> any custom code here or is this just different kernel config options being 
>> turned on?
>>> And:
>>> A build that includes all these things by default.
>> The vast majority of these seem to be config selections rather then code. 
>> Which shows a huge amount of progress from the early days.
>> There seem to be a couple policy points that are worth trying to fight to 
>> get upstream
>> 1. Device Naming by function
>> 2. Firewall rules by device pattern matching.
>> 3. pre-enabled wifi and mesh interfaces
>> 4. Samba default (see the recent discussion of common authentication)
>> 5. possibly the web proxy
>> Things that are probably not worth fighting for
>> 1. a build that includes all of this by default
>> 2. all the alternate qdiscs enabled by default
>> 3. weird port for the config web server
>> 4. oddball IP ranges, /27 subnets, bables, and routing between interfaces by 
>> default. (This is an approach that is perfect for the "super-duper" 
>> builders, although this may just end up being a different default config)
>> any major disagreements or things I missed?
>> It hit me as I was finishing this that a couple things may combine here.
>> By doing device naming by function, firewall rules by device (which ends up 
>> being by function), it may make it far easier to have alternate configs, one 
>> for bridging, one for routing, and to have options to pre-enable the wifi 
>> and mesh interfaces.
>> Thoughts from those who have been more involved with pushing things upstream?
>> David Lang
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