Hi,  noted and thanks a lot.

Best Rgds

-----Original Message-----
From: Ricardo Dias <rd...@suse.com> 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 8:47 PM
To: ST Wong (ITSC) <s...@itsc.cuhk.edu.hk>; Manuel Lausch 
<manuel.lau...@1und1.de>; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Please help: change IP address of a cluster


The monmaptool has a different option to add an address vector. To add an 
address vector do this:

monmaptool --addv node1 [v2:,v1:] {tmp}/{filename}

The --addv option does not appear in the usage description but the fix is 
already under way: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/29307

Ricardo Dias
Senior Software Engineer - Storage Team
SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton, HRB 21284 
(AG Nürnberg)

On 24/07/19 07:20,  ST Wong (ITSC)  wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your help.
> I changed IP addresses of OSD nodes successfully.  When changing IP address 
> on MON, it works except that the MON only listens on v2 port 3300 after 
> adding the MON back to the cluster.  Previously the MON listens on both v1 
> (6789) and v2 (3300).  
> Besides, can't add both v1 and v2 entries manually using monmaptool like 
> following.  Only the 2nd one will get added.
> monmaptool -add node1  v1:, v2:  
> {tmp}/{filename}
> the monmap now looks like following:
> min_mon_release 14 (nautilus)
> 0: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon2
> 1: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon2
> 2: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon3
> 3: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon4
> 4: v2: mon.cmon5                              <--- the MON 
> being removed/added 
> Although it's okay to use v2 only, I'm afraid I've missed some steps and 
> messed the cluster up.    Any advice?
> Thanks again.
> Best Regards,
> /stwong
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ceph-users <ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com> On Behalf Of 
> Manuel Lausch
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 7:32 PM
> To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Please help: change IP address of a cluster
> Hi,
> I had to change the IPs of my cluster some time ago. The process was quite 
> easy.
> I don't understand what you mean with configuring and deleting static 
> routes. The easies way is if the router allows (at least for the
> change) all traffic between the old and the new network. 
> I did the following steps.
> 1. Add the new IP Network space separated to the "public network" line 
> in your ceph.conf
> 2. OSDS: stop you OSDs on the first node. Reconfigure the host network 
> and start your OSDs again. Repeat this for all hosts one by one
> 3. MON: stop and remove one mon from cluster, delete all data in 
> /var/ceph/mon/mon.<id> reconfigure the host network. Create the new mon 
> instance (don't forget the "mon host" entrys in your ceph.conf and your 
> clients as well) Of course this requires at least 3 Mons in your cluster!
> After 2 of 5 Mons in my cluster I added the new mon adresses to my clients 
> and restarted them. 
> 4. MGR: stop the mgr daemon. reconfigure the host network. Start the 
> mgr daemon one by one
> I wouldn't recomend the "messy way" to reconfigure your mons. removing and 
> adding mons to the cluster is quite easy and in my opinion the most secure.
> The complet IP change in our cluster worked without outage while the cluster 
> was in production.
> I hope I could help you.
> Regards
> Manuel
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 10:22:37 +0000
> "ST Wong (ITSC)" <s...@itsc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Our cluster has to change to new IP range in same VLAN:
>> ->, while IP address on private network for OSDs
>> remains unchanged. I wonder if we can do that in either one following
>> ways:
>> =====================
>> 1.
>> a.       Define static route for on each node
>> b.       Do it one by one:
>> For each monitor/mgr:
>> -          remove from cluster
>> -          change IP address
>> -          add static route to original IP range
>> -          delete static route for
>> -          add back to cluster
>> For each OSD:
>> -          stop OSD daemons
>> -           change IP address
>> -          add static route to original IP range
>> -          delete static route for
>> -          start OSD daemons
>> c.       Clean up all static routes defined.
>> 2.
>> a.       Export and update monmap using the messy way as described in
>> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/rados/operations/add-or-rm-mons/
>> ceph mon getmap -o {tmp}/{filename}
>> monmaptool -rm node1 -rm node2 ... --rm node n {tmp}/{filename}
>> monmaptool -add node1 v2:,v1: -add node2
>> v2:,v1: ... --add nodeN
>> v2:10.0.18.N:3330,v1:10.0.18.N:6789  {tmp}/{filename}
>> b.       stop entire cluster daemons and change IP addresses
>> c.       For each mon node:  ceph-mon -I {mon-id} -inject-monmap
>> {tmp}/{filename}
>> d.       Restart cluster daemons.
>> 3.       Or any better method...
>> =====================
>> Would anyone please help?   Thanks a lot.
>> Rgds
>> /st wong
> --
> Manuel Lausch
> Systemadministrator
> Storage Services
> 1&1 Mail & Media Development & Technology GmbH | Brauerstraße 48 |
> 76135 Karlsruhe | Germany Phone: +49 721 91374-1847
> E-Mail: manuel.lau...@1und1.de | Web: www.1und1.de
> Hauptsitz Montabaur, Amtsgericht Montabaur, HRB 5452
> Geschäftsführer: Alexander Charles, Thomas Ludwig, Jan Oetjen, Sascha 
> Vollmer
> Member of United Internet
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