
Migrated the cluster to new IP range.  Regarding the MON that doesn't listen to 
v1 port, maybe I ran the command as mentioned in manual, but seems the part 
after comma doesn't work and tells the mon to listen on v2 port only.

ceph-mon -i cmon5 --public-addr v2:,v1:

MON map resumed normal with both v1 and v2 for this MON after removing the MON 
and add it again without running this command after mkfs, then start the 
services as usual.

Thanks a lot.

-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-users <ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com> On Behalf Of ST Wong (ITSC)
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 2:20 PM
To: Manuel Lausch <manuel.lau...@1und1.de>; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Please help: change IP address of a cluster


Thanks for your help.
I changed IP addresses of OSD nodes successfully.  When changing IP address on 
MON, it works except that the MON only listens on v2 port 3300 after adding the 
MON back to the cluster.  Previously the MON listens on both v1 (6789) and v2 
Besides, can't add both v1 and v2 entries manually using monmaptool like 
following.  Only the 2nd one will get added.

monmaptool -add node1  v1:, v2:  {tmp}/{filename}

the monmap now looks like following:

min_mon_release 14 (nautilus)
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon2
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon2
2: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon3
3: [v2:,v1:] mon.cmon4
4: v2: mon.cmon5                                <--- the MON 
being removed/added 

Although it's okay to use v2 only, I'm afraid I've missed some steps and messed 
the cluster up.    Any advice?
Thanks again.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-users <ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com> On Behalf Of Manuel Lausch
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 7:32 PM
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Please help: change IP address of a cluster


I had to change the IPs of my cluster some time ago. The process was quite easy.

I don't understand what you mean with configuring and deleting static routes. 
The easies way is if the router allows (at least for the
change) all traffic between the old and the new network. 

I did the following steps.

1. Add the new IP Network space separated to the "public network" line in your 

2. OSDS: stop you OSDs on the first node. Reconfigure the host network and 
start your OSDs again. Repeat this for all hosts one by one

3. MON: stop and remove one mon from cluster, delete all data in 
/var/ceph/mon/mon.<id> reconfigure the host network. Create the new mon 
instance (don't forget the "mon host" entrys in your ceph.conf and your clients 
as well) Of course this requires at least 3 Mons in your cluster!
After 2 of 5 Mons in my cluster I added the new mon adresses to my clients and 
restarted them. 

4. MGR: stop the mgr daemon. reconfigure the host network. Start the mgr daemon 
one by one

I wouldn't recomend the "messy way" to reconfigure your mons. removing and 
adding mons to the cluster is quite easy and in my opinion the most secure.

The complet IP change in our cluster worked without outage while the cluster 
was in production.

I hope I could help you.


On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 10:22:37 +0000
"ST Wong (ITSC)" <s...@itsc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Our cluster has to change to new IP range in same VLAN:
> ->, while IP address on private network for OSDs
> remains unchanged. I wonder if we can do that in either one following
> ways:
> =====================
> 1.
> a.       Define static route for on each node
> b.       Do it one by one:
> For each monitor/mgr:
> -          remove from cluster
> -          change IP address
> -          add static route to original IP range
> -          delete static route for
> -          add back to cluster
> For each OSD:
> -          stop OSD daemons
> -           change IP address
> -          add static route to original IP range
> -          delete static route for
> -          start OSD daemons
> c.       Clean up all static routes defined.
> 2.
> a.       Export and update monmap using the messy way as described in
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/rados/operations/add-or-rm-mons/
> ceph mon getmap -o {tmp}/{filename}
> monmaptool -rm node1 -rm node2 ... --rm node n {tmp}/{filename}
> monmaptool -add node1 v2:,v1: -add node2
> v2:,v1: ... --add nodeN
> v2:10.0.18.N:3330,v1:10.0.18.N:6789  {tmp}/{filename}
> b.       stop entire cluster daemons and change IP addresses
> c.       For each mon node:  ceph-mon -I {mon-id} -inject-monmap
> {tmp}/{filename}
> d.       Restart cluster daemons.
> 3.       Or any better method...
> =====================
> Would anyone please help?   Thanks a lot.
> Rgds
> /st wong

Manuel Lausch

Storage Services

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