Hey all,
Just wanted to let you know that all the talks from Mountpoint.io are
now available on YouTube. These are reasonably high-quality videos and
include Ceph talks such as:
"Bringing smart device failure prediction to Ceph"
"Pains & Pleasures Testing the Ceph Distributed Storage Stack"
"Ceph cloud object storage: the right way"
"Lessons Learned Scaling Ceph for Public Clouds"
"Making Ceph fast in the face of failure"
"Anatomy of a librados client application"
"Self-aware Ceph: enabling ceph-mgr to control Ceph services via Kubernetes"
"Doctor! I need Ceph: a journey of open source storage in healthcare‍"
"Rook: Storage Orchestration for a Cloud-Native World"
"What’s new in Ceph"
and possibly some others I've missed (sorry!).


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