The magic sauce to get Filestore OSDs to start on a node reboot is to make
sure that all of your udev magic is correct.  In particular you need to
have the correct UUID set for all partitions.  I haven't dealt with it in a
long time, but I've written up a few good ML responses about it.

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 12:38 PM Pardhiv Karri <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I created a ceph cluster  manually (not using ceph-deploy). When I reboot
> the node the osd's doesn't come backup because the OS doesn't know that it
> need to bring up the OSD. I am running this on Ubuntu 1604. Is there a
> standardized way to initiate ceph osd start on node reboot?
> "sudo start ceph-osd-all" isn't working well and doesn't like the idea of 
> "sudo start ceph-osd id=1" for each OSD in rc file.Need to do it for both 
> Hammer (Ubuntu 1404) and Luminous (Ubuntu 1604).
> --
> Thanks,
> *Pardhiv Karri*
> "Rise and Rise again until LAMBS become LIONS"
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