
> Am 19.06.2018 um 20:40 schrieb Steffen Winther Sørensen <ste...@gmail.com>:
>> Den 19. jun. 2018 kl. 16.50 skrev Webert de Souza Lima 
>> <webert.b...@gmail.com>:
>> Keep in mind that the mds server is cpu-bound, so during heavy workloads it 
>> will eat up CPU usage, so the OSD daemons can affect or be affected by the 
>> MDS daemon.
>> But it does work well. We've been running a few clusters with MON, MDS and 
>> OSDs sharing the same hosts for a couple of years now.
> We’re also running mds on the osd hosts but again we only run vm backup on 
> cephfs.

we need it to replace the Synology NFS cluster. Also we want share the files 
between two datacenter (dark fiber with 10Gbit)  (but keep both Ceph clusters 
separate). So I think, we put three MDS in VMs on our Proxmox VM cluster (5 
nodes) with a bit RAM and check, if it is reliable.
Its much more complicated to have a shared storage for "legacy" systems, than 
we thought :-) Also RadosGW with NFS is on Debian Stretch not the first choice, 
as NFS does not has the features, we need (or my Google was to old).

cu denny
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