> Den 19. jun. 2018 kl. 16.50 skrev Webert de Souza Lima 
> <webert.b...@gmail.com>:
> Keep in mind that the mds server is cpu-bound, so during heavy workloads it 
> will eat up CPU usage, so the OSD daemons can affect or be affected by the 
> MDS daemon.
> But it does work well. We've been running a few clusters with MON, MDS and 
> OSDs sharing the same hosts for a couple of years now.
We’re also running mds on the osd hosts but again we only run vm backup on 

Another alternative could be a file server vm, exporting its rbd based devices 
eg. via nfs/samba whatever’s preferred/required by clients. We have a nfs vm in 
one proxmox cluster like this.

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