On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 6:53 PM, Max Cuttins <m...@phoenixweb.it> wrote:
> Il 27/03/2018 13:46, Brad Hubbard ha scritto:
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 9:12 PM, Max Cuttins <m...@phoenixweb.it> wrote:
>> Hi Brad,
>>     that post was mine. I knew it quite well.
>> That Post was about confirm the fact that minimum requirements written in
>> the documentation really didn't exists.
>> However I never asked if there is somewhere a place where is possible to
>> download the DEV or the RC of Centos7.5.
>> I was thinking about to join the community of tester and developers that
>> are already testing Ceph on that "not ready" environment.
>> In that POST these questions were not really made, so no answer where
>> given.
> From that thread.
> "The necessary kernel changes actually are included as part of 4.16-rc1
> which is available now. We also offer a pre-built test kernel with the
> necessary fixes here [1].
> [1] https://shaman.ceph.com/repos/kernel/ceph-iscsi-test/";
> I notice that URL is unavailable so maybe the real question should be why is
> that kernel no longer available?
> Yes, the link was broken and it seemed to me a misprint of old docs.
> As all other stuffs described didn't exists already I thought that event
> this Kernel test was not available (already or anymore).

The link is fixed as of 12-18 hours ago and the kernel is available again.

> There are plenty more available at
> https://shaman.ceph.com/repos/kernel/testing/ but *I* can't tell you which
> is relevant but perhaps someone else can.
> However the 4.16 is almost ready to be released (shoulded had been already).
> At this moment is just a double work use that kernel and after upgrade it to
> the final one.

OK, I guess you just need to wait (by your choice) then.

>> I see that you talked also about other distribution. Well, I read around
>> that Suse already implement iSCSI.
>> However as far as I know (which is not so much), this distribution use
>> modified kernel in order to let this work.
>> And in order to use it it's needed  a dashboard that can handle these kind
>> of differences (OpenAttic).
>> I knew already OpenAttic is contributing in developing the next generation
>> of the Ceph Dashboard (and this sound damn good!).
>> However this also means to me that the official dashboard should not be
>> talking about ISCSI at all (as every implementation of iSCSI are running on
>> mod version).
>> So these are the things I cannot figure out:
>> Why is the iSCSI board on the CEPH official dashboard? (I could understand
>> on OpenAttic which run on SUSE but not on the official one).
> Why do you believe it should not be?
> Maybe I'm in wrong, but I guess that the dashboard manager expects to get
> data/details/stats/config from a particular set of paths, components and
> daemons which cannot be the same for all the ad-hoc implementation.
> So there is a dashboard that show values for a component.... which is not
> there (instead could be there something else but written in another way).
> Every ad-hoc implementation (like OpenAttic) of course know where to find
> data/details/stats/config for work with their implementation (so it's
> understandable that they have board for iSCSI).
> Right?

Not as far as I'm concerned. See John's email on the subject in this thread.

>> And why, in the official documentation, the minimu requirements to let
>> iSCSI work, is to install CentOS7.5? Which doesn't exist? Is there a RC
>> candidate which I can start to use?
> But it doesn't say that, it says " RHEL/CentOS 7.5; Linux kernel v4.16 or
> newer; or the Ceph iSCSI client test kernel". You seem to be ignoring the
> "Ceph iSCSI client test kernel" part?
> Yes, the link was broken and it seemed to me a misprint of old docs.
> Moreover at first read I figure out that I needed both centOS7.5 AND kernel
> 4.16..... OR the kernel test.
> Now you are telling me that all requirements are alternative. Which explain
> to me why the documentation suggest just CentOS and not all others
> distribution.
> Also this sounds good.
> But I don't think that CentOS7.5 will use the kernel 4.16 ... so you are
> telling me that new feature will be backported to the kernel 3.* ?

Nope. I'm not part of the Red hat kernel team and don't have the
influence to shape what they do.

> Is it right? So.... i don't need to upgrade the kernel If I'll use
> RHEL/CentOS7.5 ?
> This sound even better. I was a bit worried to don't use the mainstream
> kernel of the distribution.

We'll have to wait and see what ships.

>> And... if SUSE or even other distribution works already with iSCSI... why
>> the documentation just doesn't reccomend these ones instead of RHEL or
> Because that would be odd, to say the least. If the documentation is
> incorrect for CentOS then it was, at least at some point, thought to be
> correct and it probably will be correct again in the near future and, if
> not, we can review and correct it as necessary.
> Of course the best way to predict the future is to make it happen. ;)
> But this is odd for a documentation (at least should be a warning box saying
> that all components will be ready in the near future).

Once again you are ignoring the "Ceph iSCSI client test kernel" part
of that sentence.

> Thank you Brad to answer me.

No problem. I think we've probably done this to death now though.

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