Thanks Jason,

this is exactly what i read around and I supposed.
The RHEL 7.5 is not yet released (neither is Kernel 4.16)

So my dubt are 2:

*1) If it's not released... why is this in the documentation?*
Is the documentation talking about a Dev candidate already accessible somewhere?

2) why in the dashboard is there already a iSCSI board?
I guess I miss something.... or is really just for future implementation and not usable yet? And if it is usable... where I can download the necessarie in order to start?

Il 26/03/2018 14:10, Jason Dillaman ha scritto:
RHEL 7.5 has not been released yet, but it should be released very
soon. After it's released, it usually takes the CentOS team a little
time to put together their matching release. I also suspect that Linux
kernel 4.16 is going to be released in the next week or so as well.

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 7:36 AM, Max Cuttins <> wrote:
As stated in the documentation, in order to use iSCSI it's needed use
Where can I download it?


iSCSI Targets

Traditionally, block-level access to a Ceph storage cluster has been limited
to QEMU and librbd, which is a key enabler for adoption within OpenStack
environments. Starting with the Ceph Luminous release, block-level access is
expanding to offer standard iSCSI support allowing wider platform usage, and
potentially opening new use cases.

RHEL/CentOS 7.5; Linux kernel v4.16 or newer; or the Ceph iSCSI client test
A working Ceph Storage cluster, deployed with ceph-ansible or using the
command-line interface
iSCSI gateways nodes, which can either be colocated with OSD nodes or on
dedicated nodes
Separate network subnets for iSCSI front-end traffic and Ceph back-end

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