
I have a Ceph Cluster with specifications below:
3 x Monitor node
6 x Storage Node (6 disk per Storage Node, 6TB SATA Disks, all disks have SSD 
Distributed public and private networks. All NICs are 10Gbit/s
osd pool default size = 3
osd pool default min size = 2

Ceph version is Jewel 10.2.6.

My cluster is active and a lot of virtual machines running on it (Linux and 
Windows VM's, database clusters, web servers etc).

During normal use, cluster slowly went into a state of blocked requests. 
Blocked requests periodically incrementing. All OSD's seems healthy. Benchmark, 
iowait, network tests, all of them succeed.

Yerterday, 08:00:
$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 3 requests are blocked > 32 sec; 3 osds have slow requests
1 ops are blocked > 134218 sec on osd.31
1 ops are blocked > 134218 sec on osd.3
1 ops are blocked > 8388.61 sec on osd.29
3 osds have slow requests

Todat, 16:05:
$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 32 requests are blocked > 32 sec; 3 osds have slow requests
1 ops are blocked > 134218 sec on osd.31
1 ops are blocked > 134218 sec on osd.3
16 ops are blocked > 134218 sec on osd.29
11 ops are blocked > 67108.9 sec on osd.29
2 ops are blocked > 16777.2 sec on osd.29
1 ops are blocked > 8388.61 sec on osd.29
3 osds have slow requests

$ ceph pg dump | grep scrub
dumped all in format plain
pg_stat objects mip     degr    misp    unf     bytes   log     disklog state   
state_stamp     v       reported        up      up_primary      acting  
acting_primary  last_scrub      scrub_stamp     last_deep_scrub deep_scrub_stamp
20.1e   25183   0       0       0       0       98332537930     3066    3066    
active+clean+scrubbing  2017-08-21 04:55:13.354379      6930'23908781   
6930:20905696   [29,31,3]       29      [29,31,3]       29      6712'22950171   
2017-08-20 04:46:59.208792      6712'22950171   2017-08-20 04:46:59.208792

Active scrub does not finish (about 24 hours). I did not restart any OSD 
I'm thinking set noscrub, noscrub-deep, norebalance, nobackfill, and norecover 
flags and restart 3,29,31th OSDs. Is this solve my problem? Or anyone has 
suggestion about this problem?

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