On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Brady Deetz <bde...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So with email, you're talking about lots of small reads and writes. In my
> experience with dicom data (thousands of 20KB files per directory), cephfs
> doesn't perform very well at all on platter drivers. I haven't experimented
> with pure ssd configurations, so I can't comment on that.

Yes, that's pretty much why I'm using cache tiering on SSDs.

> Somebody may correct me here, but small block io on writes just makes
> latency all that much more important due to the need to wait for your
> replicas to be written before moving on to the next block.

I think that is correct. Smaller blocks = more I/O, so SSDs benefit a lot.

> Without know exact hardware details, my brain is immediately jumping to
> networking constraints. 2 or 3 spindle drives can pretty much saturate a
> 1gbps link. As soon as you create contention for that resource, you create
> system load for iowait and latency.
You mentioned you don't control the network. Maybe you can scale down and
> out.

 I'm constrained with the topology I showed you for now. I did planned
another (see
https://creately.com/diagram/j1eyig9i/7wloXLNOAYjeregBGkvelMXL50%3D) but it
won't be possible at the time.
 That setup would have a 10 gig interconnection link.

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 3:55 AM, John Spray <jsp...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hmm, to understand this better I would start by taking cache tiering
> out of the mix, it adds significant complexity.
> The "-direct=1" part could be significant here: when you're using RBD,
> that's getting handled by ext4, and then ext4 is potentially still
> benefiting from some caching at the ceph layer.  With CephFS on the
> other hand, it's getting handled by CephFS, and CephFS will be
> laboriously doing direct access to OSD.
> John

I won't be able to change that by now. I would need another testing cluster.
The point of direct=1 was to remove any caching possibility in the middle.
That fio suite was suggested by username peetaur on IRC channel (thanks :)


Webert Lima
DevOps Engineer at MAV Tecnologia
*Belo Horizonte - Brasil*
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