We have space limitations in our DCs and so have to build as densely as 
possibly. These clusters are two racks of 500 osds each, though there is more 
hardware en route to start scaling them out. With just two racks, the risk of 
losing a ToR and taking down the cluster was enough to justify the slight added 
complexity of extra ToRs to ensure we have HA at that point in the 
architecture. It's not adding that much complexity, as it's all handled by 
configuration management once you get the kinks worked out the first time. We 
use this architecture throughout our networks, so running it for ceph is not 
any different than running it for any of our other service. I find it to be 
less complex and easier to debug than doing an MLAG setup as well.

We are currently running hosts with dual 10G nics, one to each ToR, but are 
evaluating 25 or 40 for upcoming deploys.

Once we gain confidence in ceph to expand  beyond a couple thousand osds in a 
cluster, I will certainly look to simplify by cutting down to one 
higher-throughput ToR per rack.

The logical public/private separation is to keep the traffic on a separate 
network and for ease of monitoring.


On Apr 23, 2017, at 12:45 AM, Richard Hesse 
<richard.he...@weebly.com<mailto:richard.he...@weebly.com>> wrote:

Out of curiosity, why are you taking a scale-up approach to building your ceph 
clusters instead of a scale-out approach? Ceph has traditionally been geared 
towards a scale-out, simple shared nothing mindset. These dual ToR deploys 
remind me of something from EMC, not ceph. Really curious as I'd rather have 
5-6 racks of single ToR switches as opposed to three racks of dual ToR. Is 
there a specific application or requirement? It's definitely adding a lot of 
complexity; just wondering what the payoff is.

Also, why are you putting your "cluster network" on the same physical 
interfaces but on separate VLANs? Traffic shaping/policing? What's your link 
speed there on the hosts? (25/40gbps?)

On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Aaron Bassett 
<aaron.bass...@nantomics.com<mailto:aaron.bass...@nantomics.com>> wrote:
FWIW, I use a CLOS fabric with layer 3 right down to the hosts and multiple 
ToRs to enable HA/ECMP to each node. I'm using Cumulus Linux's "redistribute 
neighbor" feature, which advertises a /32 for any ARP'ed neighbor. I set up the 
hosts with an IP on each physical interface and on an aliased looopback: lo:0. 
I handle the separate cluster network by adding a vlan to each interface and 
routing those separately on the ToRs with acls to keep traffic apart.

Their documentation may help clarify a bit:

Honestly the trickiest part is getting the routing on the hosts right, you 
essentially set static routes over each link and the kernel takes care of the 

I understand this is a bit different from your setup, but Ceph has no trouble 
at all with the IPs on multiple interfaces.


Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 17:37:01 +0000
From: Maxime Guyot <maxime.gu...@elits.com<mailto:maxime.gu...@elits.com>>
To: Richard Hesse <richard.he...@weebly.com<mailto:richard.he...@weebly.com>>, 
Jan Marquardt
Cc: "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com<mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>" 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Ceph with Clos IP fabric
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


That only makes sense if you're running multiple ToR switches per rack for the 
public leaf network. Multiple public ToR switches per rack is not very common; 
most Clos crossbar networks run a single ToR switch. Several >guides on the 
topic (including Arista & Cisco) suggest that you use something like MLAG in a 
layer 2 domain between the switches if you need some sort of switch redundancy 
inside the rack. This increases complexity, and most people decide that it's 
not worth it and instead scale out across racks to gain the redundancy and 
survivability that multiple ToR offer.
If you use MLAG for L2 redundancy, you?ll still want 2 BGP sessions for L3 
redundancy, so why not skipping the MLAG all together and terminating your BGP 
session on each ToR?

Judging by the routes (, you are using BGP unnumebered?

It sounds like the ?ip route get? output you get when using dummy0 is caused by 
a fallback on the default route, supposedly on eth0? Can check the exact routes 
received on server1 with ?show ip bgp neighbors <neighbor> received-routes? 
once you enable ?neighbor <neighbor> soft-reconfiguration inbound? and what?s 
installed in the table ?ip route??

Intrigued by this problem, I tried to reproduce it in a lab with virtualbox. I 
ran into the same problem.

Side note: Configuring the loopback IP on the physical interfaces is workable 
if you set it on **all** parallel links. Example with server1:

?iface enp3s0f0 inet static
iface enp3s0f1 inet static
iface enp4s0f0 inet static
iface enp4s0f1 inet static

This should guarantee that the loopback ip is advertised if one of the 4 links 
to switch1 and switch2 is up, but I am not sure if that?s workable for ceph?s 
listening address.


From: Richard Hesse <richard.he...@weebly.com<mailto:richard.he...@weebly.com>>
Date: Thursday 20 April 2017 16:36
To: Maxime Guyot <maxime.gu...@elits.com<mailto:maxime.gu...@elits.com>>
Cc: Jan Marquardt <j...@artfiles.de<mailto:j...@artfiles.de>>, 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Ceph with Clos IP fabric

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:13 AM, Maxime Guyot 
2) Why did you choose to run the ceph nodes on loopback interfaces as opposed 
to the /24 for the "public" interface?
I can?t speak for this example, but in a clos fabric you generally want to 
assign the routed IPs on loopback rather than physical interfaces. This way if 
one of the link goes down (t.ex the public interface), the routed IP is still 
advertised on the other link(s).

That only makes sense if you're running multiple ToR switches per rack for the 
public leaf network. Multiple public ToR switches per rack is not very common; 
most Clos crossbar networks run a single ToR switch. Several guides on the 
topic (including Arista & Cisco) suggest that you use something like MLAG in a 
layer 2 domain between the switches if you need some sort of switch redundancy 
inside the rack. This increases complexity, and most people decide that it's 
not worth it and instead  scale out across racks to gain the redundancy and 
survivability that multiple ToR offer.

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 4:04 AM, Jan Marquardt 
<j...@artfiles.de<mailto:j...@artfiles.de><mailto:j...@artfiles.de>> wrote:

Maxime, thank you for clarifying this. Each server is configured like this:

lo/dummy0: Loopback interface; Holds the ip address used with Ceph,
which is announced by BGP into the fabric.

enp5s0: Management Interface, which is used only for managing the box.
There should not be any Ceph traffic on this one.

enp3s0f0: connected to sw01 and used for BGP
enp3s0f1: connected to sw02 and used for BGP
enp4s0f0: connected to sw01 and used for BGP
enp4s0f1: connected to sw02 and used for BGP

These four interfaces are supposed to transport the Ceph traffic.

See above. Why are you running multiple public ToR switches in this rack? I'd 
suggest switching them to a single layer 2 domain and participate in the Clos 
fabric as a single unit, or scale out across racks (preferred). Why bother with 
multiple switches in a rack when you can just use multiple racks? That's the 
beauty of Clos: just add more spines if you need more leaf to leaf bandwidth.

How many OSD, servers, and racks are planned for this deployment?


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