
>>2) Why did you choose to run the ceph nodes on loopback interfaces as opposed 
>>to the /24 for the "public" interface?
> I can’t speak for this example, but in a clos fabric you generally want
> to assign the routed IPs on loopback rather than physical interfaces.
> This way if one of the link goes down (t.ex the public interface), the
> routed IP is still advertised on the other link(s).

Maxime, thank you for clarifying this. Each server is configured like this:

lo/dummy0: Loopback interface; Holds the ip address used with Ceph,
which is announced by BGP into the fabric.

enp5s0: Management Interface, which is used only for managing the box.
There should not be any Ceph traffic on this one.

enp3s0f0: connected to sw01 and used for BGP
enp3s0f1: connected to sw02 and used for BGP
enp4s0f0: connected to sw01 and used for BGP
enp4s0f1: connected to sw02 and used for BGP

These four interfaces are supposed to transport the Ceph traffic.

>> I found out, Ceph can not be run on lo interface
> Jan, do you have more info about, I only found this in the doc:
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/hammer/start/quick-start-preflight/#ensure-connectivity

The OSDs are not able to start if the ip is configured on lo instead of

2017-04-20 12:47:01.684929 7fe671233a40 -1 unable to find any IP address
in networks:

After asking about this on the Ceph IRC channel, someone told me that
Ceph is not able to use lo.

> Cheers,
> Maxime



> *From: *ceph-users <ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com> on behalf of
> Richard Hesse <richard.he...@weebly.com>
> *Date: *Monday 17 April 2017 22:12
> *To: *Jan Marquardt <j...@artfiles.de>
> *Cc: *"ceph-users@lists.ceph.com" <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [ceph-users] Ceph with Clos IP fabric
> A couple of questions:
> 1) What is your rack topology? Are all ceph nodes in the same rack
> communicating with the same top of rack switch?
> 2) Why did you choose to run the ceph nodes on loopback interfaces as
> opposed to the /24 for the "public" interface?
> 3) Are you planning on using RGW at all?
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Jan Marquardt <j...@artfiles.de
> <mailto:j...@artfiles.de>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am currently working on Ceph with an underlying Clos IP fabric and I
>     am hitting some issues.
>     The setup looks as follows: There are 3 Ceph nodes which are running
>     OSDs and MONs. Each server has one /32 loopback ip, which it announces
>     via BGP to its uplink switches. Besides the loopback ip each server has
>     an management interface with a public (not to be confused with ceph's
>     public network) ip address. For BGP switches and servers are running
>     quagga/frr.
>     Loopback ips:
>     # switch1
>     # switch2
>    # server1
>    # server2
>    # server3
>     Ceph's public network is <>.
>     Here comes the current main problem: There are two options for
>     configuring the loopback address.
>     1.) Configure it on lo. In this case the routing works as inteded, but,
>     as far as I found out, Ceph can not be run on lo interface.
>     root@server1:~# ip route get
> via dev enp4s0f1  src
>         cache
>     2.) Configure it on dummy0. In this case Ceph is able to start, but
>     quagga installs learned routes with wrong source addresses - the public
>     management address from each host. This results in network problems,
>     because Ceph uses the management ips to communicate to the other Ceph
>     servers.
>     root@server1:~# ip route get
> via dev enp4s0f1  src a.b.c.d
>         cache
>     (where a.b.c.d is the machine's public ip address on its management
>     interface)
>     Has already someone done something similar?
>     Please let me know, if you need any further information. Any help would
>     really be appreciated.
>     Best Regards
>     Jan
>     --
>     Artfiles New Media GmbH | Zirkusweg 1 | 20359 Hamburg
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>     Geschäftsführer: Harald Oltmanns | Tim Evers
>     Eingetragen im Handelsregister Hamburg - HRB 81478
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Artfiles New Media GmbH | Zirkusweg 1 | 20359 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 32 02 72 90 | Fax: 040 - 32 02 72 95
E-Mail: supp...@artfiles.de | Web: http://www.artfiles.de
Geschäftsführer: Harald Oltmanns | Tim Evers
Eingetragen im Handelsregister Hamburg - HRB 81478

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