
Am 29.09.2016 um 14:00 schrieb Burkhard Linke:
> On 09/29/2016 01:46 PM, Sascha Vogt wrote:
>>>> Can you check/verify that the deleted objects are actually gone on the
>>>> backing pool?
>> How do I check that? Aka how to find out on which OSD a particular
>> object in the cache pool ends up in the backing pool?
>> Ie. I have a 0-byte file in the cache pool:
>> ./current/11.26_head/DIR_6/DIR_2/DIR_8/DIR_6/DIR_0/rbd\udata.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225__head_94406826__b
>> I searched for the prefix in the backing pool via
>>> rados -p ephemeral-vms ls | grep data.3abcbb93a5057a9
>> and nothing was found, so I guess the whole RBD image has been deleted
>> from the backing pool already (or has never hit the backing pool in the
>> first place)
> You can use the same rados commands on the cache pool to check for
> individual rados objects.

Well, as shown above: rados ls didn't find any objects with the prefix.
So I assume that no objects are on the backing pool for that particular
0-byte file. Now the next question, how do I get rid of it? ;) rados rm
gives me a "No such file or directory" error. Is it safe to delete it then?

> $ rados -p ssd ls | grep data.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225
> rbd_data.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225
> $ rados -p ssd rm rbd_data.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225
> error removing ssd>rbd_data.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225: (2) No such 
> file or directory
> $ rados -p ephemeral-vms rm rbd_data.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225
> error removing ephemeral-vms>rbd_data.3abcbb93a5057a9.0000000000004225: (2) 
> No such file or directory

> If you want to try to associate the rados objects to rbd images, you
> need to know the rbd prefix of existing images. Use something like 'rbd
> -p ephemeral-vms ls | xargs rbd -p ephemeral-vms info' to list
> information about all rbd images, including the prefix in the
> block_name_prefix row.

Thanks a lot already for the information. Currently I'm running the
proposed test from you (creating an image and deleting it before it hits
the backing pool).

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