On 09/29/2016 01:46 PM, Sascha Vogt wrote:
A quick follow up question:
Am 29.09.2016 um 13:34 schrieb Sascha Vogt:
Can you check/verify that the deleted objects are actually gone on the
backing pool?
How do I check that? Aka how to find out on which OSD a particular
object in the cache pool ends up in the backing pool?
Ie. I have a 0-byte file in the cache pool:
I searched for the prefix in the backing pool via
rados -p ephemeral-vms ls | grep data.3abcbb93a5057a9
and nothing was found, so I guess the whole RBD image has been deleted
from the backing pool already (or has never hit the backing pool in the
first place)
You can use the same rados commands on the cache pool to check for
individual rados objects.
If you want to try to associate the rados objects to rbd images, you
need to know the rbd prefix of existing images. Use something like 'rbd
-p ephemeral-vms ls | xargs rbd -p ephemeral-vms info' to list
information about all rbd images, including the prefix in the
block_name_prefix row.
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