On 05/05/2015 08:54 PM, Steffen W Sørensen wrote:
>> On 05/05/2015, at 18.52, Sage Weil <sw...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 5 May 2015, Tony Harris wrote:
>>> So with this, will even numbers then be LTS?  Since 9.0.0 is following
>>> 0.94.x/Hammer, and every other release is normally LTS, I'm guessing 10.x.x,
>>> 12.x.x, etc. will be LTS...
>> It looks that way now, although I can't promise the pattern will hold!
> I read it like major version is the release ie. Infernails, Jewel etc. 
> following the letter position in the alfabet, I = 9th. letter, so we see all 
> numbers 10,11,12,13…25
> minor numbers = 2 will denote LTS eg. <major release>.2.<patch level>

minor number '2' will denote 'stable', as oposed to 'dev' (minor = 0) or
'release candidate' (minor = 1).  LTS has been every other major
version; so given Hammer is an LTS and Infernallis is not, then Jewel
would likely be a long term stable.

The point Tony was making is that this cadence, should it be kept as is,
would match perfectly with even major versions (jewel 10.x, L-release
12.x, ...).


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