I'm working on something very similar at the moment to present RBD's to ESXi

I'm going to run 2 or 3 VM's on the local ESXi storage to act as iSCSI
"proxy" nodes.

They will run a pacemaker HA setup with the RBD and LIO iSCSI resource
agents to provide a failover iSCSI target which maps back to the RBD's from

I decided against running them on the monitor nodes in case any of the HA
goodness like fencing starting going haywire and started randomly rebooting
the monitors.

-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf Of
Eneko Lacunza
Sent: 30 December 2014 10:56
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Block and NAS Services for Non Linux OS

Hi Steven,

Welcome to the list.

On 30/12/14 11:47, Steven Sim wrote:
> This is my first posting and I apologize if the content or query is 
> not appropriate.
> My understanding for CEPH is the block and NAS services are through 
> specialized (albeit opensource) kernel modules for Linux.
> What about the other OS e.g. Solaris, AIX, Windows, ESX ...
> If the solution is to use a proxy, would using the MON servers (as 
> iSCSI and NAS proxies) be okay?
Virtual machines see a QEMU IDE/SCSI disk, they don't know whether its on
ceph, NFS, local, LVM, ... so it works OK for any VM guest SO.

Currently on Proxmox, it's qemu-kvm the ceph (RBD) client, not the linux
> What about performance?

It depends a lot on the setup. Do you have something on your mind? :)


Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943575997
Astigarraga bidea 2, planta 6 dcha., ofi. 3-2; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)

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