Hi Steven,

Welcome to the list.

On 30/12/14 11:47, Steven Sim wrote:
This is my first posting and I apologize if the content or query is not appropriate.

My understanding for CEPH is the block and NAS services are through specialized (albeit opensource) kernel modules for Linux.

What about the other OS e.g. Solaris, AIX, Windows, ESX ...

If the solution is to use a proxy, would using the MON servers (as iSCSI and NAS proxies) be okay?
Virtual machines see a QEMU IDE/SCSI disk, they don't know whether its on ceph, NFS, local, LVM, ... so it works OK for any VM guest SO.

Currently on Proxmox, it's qemu-kvm the ceph (RBD) client, not the linux kernel.

What about performance?

It depends a lot on the setup. Do you have something on your mind? :)


Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943575997
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