On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:14:49 +0530 Mallikarjun Biradar wrote:

> Hi all
> When Issued ceph osd dump it displays weight for that osd as 1 and when
> issued osd tree it displays 0.35

There are many threads about this, google is your friend. For example:

In short, one is the CRUSH weight (usually based on the capacity of the
OSD), the other is the OSD weight (or reweight in the tree display). 

For example think about a cluster with 100 2TB OSDs and you're planning to
replace them (bit by bit) with 4TB OSDs. But the hard disks are the same
speed, so if you would just replace things, more and more data would
migrate to your bigger OSDs, making the whole cluster actually slower.
Setting the OSD weight (reweight) to 0.5 for the 4TB OSDs (untiil the
replacement is complete) will result in them getting the same allocation as
the 2TB ones, keeping things even.


> output from osd dump:
>         { "osd": 20,
>           "uuid": "b2a97a29-1b8a-43e4-a4b0-fd9ee351086e",
>           "up": 1,
>           "in": 1,
>           "weight": "1.000000",
>           "primary_affinity": "1.000000",
>           "last_clean_begin": 0,
>           "last_clean_end": 0,
>           "up_from": 103,
>           "up_thru": 106,
>           "down_at": 0,
>           "lost_at": 0,
>           "public_addr": "\/27623",
>           "cluster_addr": "\/27623",
>           "heartbeat_back_addr": "\/27623",
>           "heartbeat_front_addr": "\/27623",
>           "state": [
>                 "exists",
>                 "up"]}],
> output from osd tree:
> # id    weight  type name       up/down reweight
> -1      7.35    root default
> -2      2.8             host rack6-storage-5
> 0       0.35                    osd.0   up      1
> 1       0.35                    osd.1   up      1
> 2       0.35                    osd.2   up      1
> 3       0.35                    osd.3   up      1
> 4       0.35                    osd.4   up      1
> 5       0.35                    osd.5   up      1
> 6       0.35                    osd.6   up      1
> 7       0.35                    osd.7   up      1
> -3      2.8             host rack6-storage-4
> 8       0.35                    osd.8   up      1
> 9       0.35                    osd.9   up      1
> 10      0.35                    osd.10  up      1
> 11      0.35                    osd.11  up      1
> 12      0.35                    osd.12  up      1
> 13      0.35                    osd.13  up      1
> 14      0.35                    osd.14  up      1
> 15      0.35                    osd.15  up      1
> -4      1.75            host rack6-storage-6
> 16      0.35                    osd.16  up      1
> 17      0.35                    osd.17  up      1
> 18      0.35                    osd.18  up      1
> 19      0.35                    osd.19  up      1
> 20      0.35                    osd.20  up      1
> Please help me to understand this
> -regards,
> Mallikarjun Biradar

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Communications
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