Hi all

When Issued ceph osd dump it displays weight for that osd as 1 and when
issued osd tree it displays 0.35

output from osd dump:
        { "osd": 20,
          "uuid": "b2a97a29-1b8a-43e4-a4b0-fd9ee351086e",
          "up": 1,
          "in": 1,
          "weight": "1.000000",
          "primary_affinity": "1.000000",
          "last_clean_begin": 0,
          "last_clean_end": 0,
          "up_from": 103,
          "up_thru": 106,
          "down_at": 0,
          "lost_at": 0,
          "public_addr": "\/27623",
          "cluster_addr": "\/27623",
          "heartbeat_back_addr": "\/27623",
          "heartbeat_front_addr": "\/27623",
          "state": [

output from osd tree:
# id    weight  type name       up/down reweight
-1      7.35    root default
-2      2.8             host rack6-storage-5
0       0.35                    osd.0   up      1
1       0.35                    osd.1   up      1
2       0.35                    osd.2   up      1
3       0.35                    osd.3   up      1
4       0.35                    osd.4   up      1
5       0.35                    osd.5   up      1
6       0.35                    osd.6   up      1
7       0.35                    osd.7   up      1
-3      2.8             host rack6-storage-4
8       0.35                    osd.8   up      1
9       0.35                    osd.9   up      1
10      0.35                    osd.10  up      1
11      0.35                    osd.11  up      1
12      0.35                    osd.12  up      1
13      0.35                    osd.13  up      1
14      0.35                    osd.14  up      1
15      0.35                    osd.15  up      1
-4      1.75            host rack6-storage-6
16      0.35                    osd.16  up      1
17      0.35                    osd.17  up      1
18      0.35                    osd.18  up      1
19      0.35                    osd.19  up      1
20      0.35                    osd.20  up      1

Please help me to understand this

Mallikarjun Biradar
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