What about the Intel DC S3500 instead of the DC S3700? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Emmanuel Lacour" <elac...@easter-eggs.com> 
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2014 11:48:26 AM 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] SSD MTBF 

Le 02/10/2014 17:14, Ron Allred a écrit : 
> One thing being missed, 
> Samsung 850 Pro has only been available for about 1-2 months. 
> The OP, noted that drives are failing after approx 1 year. This would 
> probably mean the SSDs are actually Samsung 840 Pro. The 
> write-durabilities of 850 and 840 are quite different. 

Yes, mistake on my side, it was of course 804 Pro. 

> You should be looking at Intel DC37xx, OCZ Intrepid 3800, HGST, etc. 
> Samsung recently released the 845DC (PRO/EVO) aimed at datacenters. 
> These have decent TBW specs, but not very much is known about them in 
> real-use yet. 
> Spend a full day reading storagesearch.com, it can save you THOUSANDS of 
> dollars, when selecting an SSD for Datacenter use. 

thanks for advices :) 

Easter-eggs Spécialiste GNU/Linux 
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