Hi Erik,

Did you upgrade the cluster or is it a new cluster ? Could you please ls -l 
/usr/lib64/ceph/erasure-code ? If you're connected on irc.oftc.net#ceph today 
feel free to ping me ( loicd ).


On 14/06/2014 23:25, Erik Logtenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up an erasure coded pool, as described in the Ceph docs:
> http://ceph.com/docs/firefly/dev/erasure-coded-pool/
> Unfortunately, creating a pool like that gives me the following error:
> # ceph osd pool create ecpool 12 12 erasure
> Error EINVAL: cannot determine the erasure code plugin because there is
> no 'plugin' entry in the erasure_code_profile {}failed to load plugin
> using profile default
> I noticed that the default profile appears to be empty:
> # ceph osd erasure-code-profile get default
> #
> I tried setting the default profile right, but I'm not allowed:
> # ceph osd erasure-code-profile set default plugin=jerasure
> technique=reed_sol_van k=2 m=1
> Error EPERM: will not override erasure code profile default
> So I set a new profile with the same configuration:
> # ceph osd erasure-code-profile set k2m1 plugin=jerasure
> technique=reed_sol_van k=2 m=1
> # ceph osd erasure-code-profile get k2m1
> directory=/usr/lib64/ceph/erasure-code
> k=2
> m=1
> plugin=jerasure
> technique=reed_sol_van
> So, that worked :)
> However, I still can't use it to create a pool:
> # ceph osd pool create test123 100 100 erasure k2m1
> Error EIO: failed to load plugin using profile k2m1
> I double checked that the directory is correct, and it is:
> # ls -al /usr/lib64/ceph/erasure-code/libec_jerasure.so
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 23 12 jun 21:36
> /usr/lib64/ceph/erasure-code/libec_jerasure.so -> libec_jerasure.so.2.0.0
> It does contain the jerasure library, so now I'm at a loss. What am I
> doing wrong? By the way, this is ceph-0.80.1.
> Thanks,
> Erik.
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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