On 05/08/2013 07:08 AM, Barry O'Rourke wrote:

I've been doing some numbers today and it looks like our choice is
between 6 x R515's or 6 x R410's depending upon whether we want to allow
for the possibility of adding more OSDs at a later date.

Yeah, tough call. I would expect that R410s or R415s would be a bit cheaper per node, but the R515s will let you cram a lot more OSDs in.

Do you have any experience with the Dell H200 cards?

I don't unfortunately. For some reason I thought they were external-SAS only though? Beyond that, afaik they are SAS2008 based cards so the chip being used is good, but I don't know if Dell has made any significant changes to the firmware. Assuming there is nothing strange going on, they should perform similarly to the H310.

You mentioned earlier that the Dell SSDs
were quite expensive.  Have you considered something like an Intel DC
S3700?  If you can't get one through Dell, you might consider just doing
3 disks from Dell and adding one yourself (you could put OS and journals
on it, and use the 3 spinning disks for OSDs).  This does have the
effect though of making the SSD a single point of failure (which is why
it's good to use the enterprise grade drive here I think).

I've done the numbers for that and the difference isn't too bad, I'm
waiting to hear back from Dell about the specifications for their SSD's
and if they're not up to the job I'll probably go for the S3700's.

I haven't looked at Dell SSDs in the last 6 months, but I believe the DC S3700 should be significantly faster unless Dell has upgraded to newer Samsung units in the interim.



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