
> With so few disks and the inability to do 10GbE, you may want to 
> consider doing something like 5-6 R410s or R415s and just using the 
> on-board controller with a couple of SATA disks and 1 SSD for the 
> journal.  That should give you better aggregate performance since in 
> your case you can't use 10GbE.  It will also spread your OSDs across 
> more hosts for better redundancy and may not cost that much more per GB 
> since you won't need to use the H700 card if you are using an SSD for 
> journals.  It's not as dense as R515s or R720XDs can be when fully 
> loaded, but for small clusters with few disks I think it's a good 
> trade-off to get the added redundancy and avoid expander/controller 
> complications.

I hadn't considered lowering the specification and increasing the number
of hosts, that seems like a really viable option and not too much more
expensive. When you say the on-board controller do you mean the onboard
SATA or the H310 controller? 



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