Thank you, Mike.

The reason why I like block device is that it has the best reading
performance. But not being able to be shared is a fatal drawback here.
Maybe I should change some strategy or tuning the ceph fs. My goal is to
use a cluster to host a lot of small images, each of which is about 17KB.

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Mike Lowe <> wrote:

> That is the expected behavior.  RBD is emulating a real device, you
> wouldn't expect good things to happen if you were to plug the same drive
> into two different machines at once (perhaps with some soldering).  There
> is no built in mechanism for two machines to access the same block device
> concurrently, you would need to add a bunch of extra stuff in the same way
> that ocfs or gfs has.  CephFS on the other hand is a parallel filesystem
> designed for multiple concurrent client access and does have such
> mechanisms (with limits, read the docs).
> On May 1, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Yudong Guang <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been trying to use block device recently. I have a running cluster
> with 2 machines and 3 OSDs.
> >
> > On a client machine, let's say A, I created a rbd image using `rbd
> create` , then formatted, mounted and wrote something in it, everything was
> working fine.
> >
> > However, problem occurred when I tried to use this image on the other
> client, let's say B, on which I mapped the same image that created on A. I
> found that any changes I made on any of them cannot be shown on the other
> client, but if I unmap the device and then map again, the changes will be
> shown.
> >
> > I tested the same thing with ceph fs, but there was no such problem.
> Every change made on one client can be shown on the other client instantly.
> >
> > I wonder whether this kind of behavior of RADOS block device is normal
> or not. Is there any way that we can read and write on the same image on
> multiple clients?
> >
> > Any idea is appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
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Yudong Guang
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