
I've been trying to use block device recently. I have a running cluster
with 2 machines and 3 OSDs.

On a client machine, let's say A, I created a rbd image using `rbd create`
, then formatted, mounted and wrote something in it, everything was working

However, problem occurred when I tried to use this image on the other
client, let's say B, on which I mapped the same image that created on A. I
found that any changes I made on any of them cannot be shown on the other
client, but if I unmap the device and then map again, the changes will be

I tested the same thing with ceph fs, but there was no such problem. Every
change made on one client can be shown on the other client instantly.

I wonder whether this kind of behavior of RADOS block device is normal or
not. Is there any way that we can read and write on the same image on
multiple clients?

Any idea is appreciated.

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