The replaced OSD is still backfilling, but the MON store size has decreased to 2.3GB already. I'm going to wait for the recovery to finish, then I'll reset all the temporary CRUSH weights, cancel the backfills, and then let the balancer do the rest.

Thanks all!

On 18/12/2024 03:42, Gregory Orange wrote:
On 18/12/24 02:30, Janek Bevendorff wrote:
I did increase the pgp_num of a pool a while back, totally
forgot about that. Due to the ongoing rebalancing it was stuck half way,
but now suddenly started up again. The current PG number of that pool is
not quite final yet, but definitely higher than previously.
If you want this to stabilise faster, you could set pg_num (target) to
be the value that it is right now. You'll get
POOL_PG_NUM_NOT_POWER_OF_TWO warning but you can ignore or mute that for
a time.

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