Something's not quite right yet. I got the remapped PGs down from > 4000 to around 1300, but there it stops. When I restart the process, I can get it down to around 280, but there it stops and creeps back up afterwards.

I have a bunch of these messages in the output:

WARNING: pg 100.3d53: conflicting mapping 1068->1051 found when trying to map 187->1068

There's maybe around 70-80 of them (definitely not 280 or 1300), any idea how I can fix that? The messages all point to the same pool (our largest one, I did not change the failure domain for this pool).

Ah, yes, we ran into that invalid json output in as well. I have a patch
I wrote for ceph_exporter that I can port over to pgremapper (that
does similar to what your patch does).

That'd be nice!


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