Den mån 23 sep. 2024 kl 16:23 skrev Stefan Kooman <>:
> On 23-09-2024 16:04, Dave Hall wrote:
> > Thank you to everybody who has responded to my questions.
> >
> > At this point I think I am starting to understand.  However, I am still
> > trying to understand the potential for data loss.
> >
> > In particular:
> >
> >     - In some ways it seems that as long as there is sufficient OSD capacity
> >     available the worst that can happen from a bad crush map is poor 
> > placement
> >     and poor performance. Is this correct?
> If you would have a (new) crush rule without any OSD mappings all PGs
> for pools that use that rule would go in an inactive state, i.e.
> downtime. So when you create a (new) rule you would have to check that
> CRUSH can indeed find enough OSDs to comply with the policy you defined.

Are you sure? I have asked some pools to use an "impossible" crush
rule after creation and the PGs only end up as "misplaced". At
creation they might stay inactive until a good place for them can be
found, but then you can't write data to it so it is not a "data-loss"
scenario really if the pool never started.
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