
So it sounds like I need to make a new crush rule for replicated pools that
specifies default-hdd and the device class?  (Or should I go the other way
around?  I think I'd rather change the replicated pools even though there's
more of them.)

Then, after I create this new rule, I simply assign the pool to a new crush
rule using a command similar to the one shown in your note in the link you



Dave Hall
Binghamton University

On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 2:10 PM Anthony D'Atri <>

> Helllo,
> I've reviewed some recent posts in this list and also searched Google for
> info about autoscale and overlapping roots.  In what I have found I do not
> see anything that I can understand regarding how to fix the issue -
> probably because I don't deal with Crush on a regular basis.
> Checkout the Note in this section:
> I added that last year I think it was as a result of how Rook was creating
> pools.
> From what I read and looking at 'ceph osd crush rule dump', it looks like
> the 8 replicated pools have
>                    "op": "take",
>                    "item": -1,
>                    "item_name": "default"
> whereas the 2 EC pools have
>                    "op": "take",
>                    "item": -2,
>                    "item_name": "default~hdd"
> To be sure, all of my OSDs are identical - HDD with SSD WAL/DB.
> Please advise on how to fix this.
> The subtlety that's easy to miss is that when you specify a device class
> for only *some* pools, the pools/rules that specify a device class
> effectively act on a "shadow" CRUSH root.  My terminology may be inexact
> there.
> So I think if you adjust your CRUSH rules so that they all specify a
> device class -- in your case all the same device class -- your problem (and
> balancer performance perhaps) will improve.
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