Dear Ceph users,

Thank you for everyone's helpful advice

Have a good day.

Phong Tran

Vào Th 2, 26 thg 8, 2024 vào lúc 20:48 Joachim Kraftmayer <> đã viết:

> It is important to understand the behaviour of the ceph services and to
> make the right hardware dimensioning. You can also limit the resource
> consumption of each service to prevent the memory consumption of the ceph
> osd from affecting the ceph mon service on the same node. The resource
> required for the ceph mds depends heavily on the expected workload.
> We use the setup you describe very often.
>  Hope this helps you one step further, Joachim
> Joachim Kraftmayer
>   +49 89 2152527-21 <>
>   Hohenzollernstr. 27, 80801 Munich
> Utting a. A. | HR: Augsburg | HRB: 25866 | USt. ID-Nr.: DE2754306
> Am Mo., 26. Aug. 2024 um 09:48 Uhr schrieb Janne Johansson <
>> Den fre 23 aug. 2024 kl 18:30 skrev Phong Tran Thanh <
>> >
>> >   This is my first time setting up a Ceph cluster for OpenStack. Will
>> > running both the Mon service and the OSD service on the same node affect
>> > maintenance or upgrades in the future? While running Mon, MDS, and OSD
>> > services on the same node does offer some benefits, could someone
>> provide
>> > me with additional advice?
>> OSDs can use HUGE amounts of ram when doing internal consistency
>> checks and things like that, so co locating the mon(s) with the OSDs
>> would mean the host can end up swapping or even dying from lack of
>> RAM, and while the machine is heading this way the mon part will
>> probably not run well either, so the OSDs could starve the mon and you
>> would be having two problems at the same time if this ever occurs.
>> --
>> May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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Trân trọng,

*Tran Thanh Phong*

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