
MON servers typically don't consume a lot of resources, so it's fairly
common to run MGR/MON daemons on the same machines as the OSDs in a
cluster. Do you have any insights on the type of workload or data you plan
to use with your Ceph cluster?

Thank you,
Bogdan Velica

On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 12:05 PM Phong Tran Thanh <tranphong...@gmail.com>

> Hi Ceph users
> I am designing a CEPH system with 6 servers running full NVMe. Do I need to
> use 3 separate servers to run the MON services that communicate with
> OpenStack, or should I integrate the MON services into the OSD servers?
> What is the recommendation? Thank you.
> --
> Email: tranphong...@gmail.com
> Skype: tranphong079
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